• Substack

    Mark McNease On Topic: Cowgirls and Alpha Gomers

    Enjoy my weekly Substack, Mark McNease On Topic. Subscribe HERE.

    Slavery as a career path

    Among the most appalling things I’ve heard in 65 years was the recent “curriculum” in Florida that requires history teachers include in their discussions of slavery that some slaves learned useful skills (like how to cut themselves down from a tree?). When I was in the 6th grade, attending a private school, we had to read books every summer. One of them was called ‘To Be a Slave,’ consisting entirely of the lives of slaves described by the slaves themselves. This book would surely be banned today in many states. Slavery was ugly, brutal, vicious, murderous, and demonic (defended with biblical scripture, as we can expect). The images included in the book were searing: men and women with deep scars on their backs from being whipped. Perhaps it taught them the skill of endurance? Embroidery? Surely they learned something they could parlay into a small business after emancipation.

  • Mark McNease On Topic,  Substack

    Mark McNease On Substack: Las Vegas Turnaround

    Hey, there, what’s that sound … It’s Robot Anthony, of course!

    I Do My Hair Toss …

    Tennessee Tried to Ban Drag Shows. So Lizzo Invited Drag Queens Onstage

    How much do I love this woman? The answer is not to cancel Pride parades (I’m looking at you, Port St. Lucie) but to have 10,000 people show up in drag and say, “So f**king arrest us.” To the gays I’ve seen commenting elsewhere that we’ve catered to the “extremists” among us: who the hell do you think fought back at Stonewall? It wasn’t your Brooks Brothers, Martha Stewart, tastefully married asses. It was the drag queens and the transsexuals, so sit down and shut up. We don’t need your approval and we will never have theirs.

  • Mark McNease on Substack,  Mark McNease On Topic,  Substack

    Mark McNease on Topic: A Million More Marthas

    The following is from Mark McNease on Topic. Subscribe here for twice-weekly braintinis.

    Prefer to listen? Enjoy your audio side dish, delivered with the soothing sounds of Android Anthony. I’m growing very fond of this guy …

    Thank you to new paid subscribers Ron and Tim! You have a lifetime VIP pass to my heart. – Mark

    The World Needs Heroes: Meet Martha Hickson


    We went to the Hunterdon Democratic Committee spring brunch on Sunday. That’s the county we live in. One of the panel speakers was the amazing Martha Hickson, a school librarian and fierce advocate for kids’ right to read. Her story is harrowing and full of heroism, as she survived a MAGA onslaught to fight another day, and another. She was the 2022 recipient of the Lemony Snicket Prize for Noble Librarians Faced With Adversity, and she speaks with the kind of dedication and experience we need in these book-banning times. Children are not property. ‘Parental rights’ include the right to have your children given access to knowledge. And fire must be fought with fire, which Martha has an abundance of. We need a million more (we’re working on it!).

  • Substack

    Mark McNease On Topic: Rush the Well

    From my Monday Musings / Substack

    Grand Inquisitor Torquemada smiles from the grave.

    At what point does despair become determination? At what point does fear become ferocity? At what point do we, as the Tennessee Three did, ‘rush the well?’

    One man in a robe is poised to impose his religious beliefs on the entire nation. He has made no secret of his beliefs, and has attempted to couch them in legalize so specious it exposes his contempt for those who don’t share his magical thinking, and those who would defy him. But that is what must be done – if not now, then when the next theo-judge takes medication for HIV off the market, and gender-affirming medications off the market, and contraception off the market. Do NOT think for a nanosecond this is not the plan. The opponents of our freedoms and rights, the haters of the progress we’ve made over the past 75 years, are organized and determined. They have plans, we have rose-colored glasses. They have bullet points, we have daisies to slip into the ends of rifles. They call us groomers and pedophiles, we call them unfair. The only thing they fight with thoughts and prayers are the near-daily mass slaughter of men, women and children by assault rifles. For every other battle they come heavily armed.

  • LGBTSR,  Substack

    I Was a Gay Sneetch (Living in a Star-Belly World)

    Subscribe to my Substack, Mark McNease on Topic, for musings, commentary and news.

    Dr. Seuss was in the news again recently when a school administrator in Ohio stopped a reading of his classic, ‘The Sneetches,’ after a child compared the treatment of the starless Sneetches to racism. “It’s almost like what happened back then, how people were treated … like white people disrespected Black people, but then, they might stand up in the book.” It was insightful enough to startle the administrator, and she ended the reading of the book, which was being done as part of an NPR podcast.

    I don’t have any patience for terms like ‘cancel culture’ (or ‘woke’ or ‘critical race theory’ or ‘groomer’), but it’s evident that silencing others is not the terrain only of one faction or another. Unfortunately, the right is always better at finding meaningless little nuggety words and phrases with which to assault people who don’t submit to their orthodoxy. ‘Cancel culture’ is just the sort of smug accusation that works for limited minds with no capacity for introspection.  Meanwhile, right-wing extremism marches merrily along, doing its best to roll over and silence anything that challenges its privileged and fragile assumptions. There are few more potent and effective practitioners of cancel culture than Florida’s Ron DeSantis, Tucker Carlson, Libs of TikTok, and the entire right-wing echo chamber.

  • LGBTSR,  Substack

    Monday Musings: Beware the Unwoke Mind

    The following is from my Substack twice-weekly email, Mark McNease on Topic. Subscribe here for musings, commentary, and The Weekly Readlines news roundup every Friday.

    “What would you say about someone who is not WOKE? They are “asleep,” “unconscious,” “indifferent.” They are “Mind Closed, Mouth Open.”” – Diane Ravitch

    “Beware the unwoke mind.” – Amanda Marcotte

    I recently told a friend I was nominating the word ‘woke’ for the one most in need of retiring in 2023. It has become both ubiquitous and meaningless, useful only as a slur employed by right-wing types to hurl at everything they don’t like or agree with. They take great pleasure in accusing those interested in social justice, equality, and accurate history of being whatever they think ‘woke’ means. At this point it only serves as a weapon and a form of mockery. I don’t believe I can have a serious conversation with anyone using the word, since the only people still saying it are wielding it as a verbal cudgel they feel no obligation to define.

  • LGBTSR,  Substack

    Suggested Substack: The Garden of Forking Paths, by Brian Klaas

    Now that I’m on Substack myself (Mark McNease On Topic), I’ve started discovering all the great writing and thinking being launched into the universe on this platform. I’ll be making occasional recommendations for anyone who likes to ponder deeply, and sometimes not-so-deeply, along with the writers putting virtual pen to paper.

    Today it’s a fascinating substack called The Garden of Forking Paths, by Brian Klaas, Associate Professor of Global Politics at University College London. His most recent post is titled The Ten Days That Didn’t Exist

    Here’s a very small sample, since the writing belongs to him! Check it out.

  • Substack

    Suggested Substack: The Garden of Forking Paths, by Brian Klaas

    Now that I’m on Substack myself (Mark McNease On Topic), I’ve started discovering all the great writing and thinking being launched into the universe on this platform. I’ll be making occasional recommendations for anyone who likes to ponder deeply, and sometimes not-so-deeply, along with the writers putting virtual pen to paper.

    Today it’s a fascinating substack called The Garden of Forking Paths, by Brian Klaas, Associate Professor of Global Politics at University College London. His most recent post is titled The Ten Days That Didn’t Exist

    Here’s very small sample, since the writing belongs to him! Check it out.

  • Mark McNease On Topic,  New,  Substack

    Now on Substack: Mark McNease On Topic

    It’s a blog! It’s a newsletter! It’s a new adventure in writing!

    Having just discovered Substack and all the great writers, journalists, thinkers and contemplatives offering up their intellectual property, I decided to jump right in. Mark McNease On Topic is the result. I’ll be examining something at least twice a week (gun rights, self-creation, the dangers of the unwoke, politics, culture). And on Fridays I’ll put out my Weekly Readlines news roundup.

    While a lot of the writers on Substack are journalists or quasi-journalists offering paid subscriptions roughly the monthly cost of a cappuccino, mine will be free until further notice or until I have a much bigger subscription base. So why not sign up now and take this journey of discovery, recovery and misdirection with me!

    Here’s my first official post from this morning (New World Disorder). Like a good blob of dough on a floured baking board, I expect to knead this out week by week until it’s something everyone in their wrong mind will want to get in their inbox. Yours, Mark.

  • Mark McNease on Substack,  Substack

    Now on Substack: Mark McNease On Topic

    It’s a blog! It’s a newsletter! It’s a new adventure in writing!

    Having just discovered Substack and all the great writers, journalists, thinkers and contemplatives offering up their intellectual property, I decided to jump right in. Mark McNease On Topic is the result. I’ll be examining something at least twice a week (gun rights, self-creation, the dangers of the unwoke, politics, culture). And on Fridays I’ll put out my Weekly Readlines news roundup.

    While a lot of the writers on Substack are journalists or quasi-journalists offering paid subscriptions roughly the monthly cost of a cappuccino, mine will be free until further notice or until I have a much bigger subscription base. So why not sign up now and take this journey of discovery, recovery and misdirection with me!

    Here’s my first official post from this morning (New World Disorder). Like a good blob of dough on a floured baking board, I expect to knead this out week by week until it’s something everyone in their wrong mind will want to get in their inbox. Yours, Mark.