Mark McNease On Topic,  Substack

Mark McNease On Substack: Las Vegas Turnaround

Hey, there, what’s that sound … It’s Robot Anthony, of course!

I Do My Hair Toss …

Tennessee Tried to Ban Drag Shows. So Lizzo Invited Drag Queens Onstage

How much do I love this woman? The answer is not to cancel Pride parades (I’m looking at you, Port St. Lucie) but to have 10,000 people show up in drag and say, “So f**king arrest us.” To the gays I’ve seen commenting elsewhere that we’ve catered to the “extremists” among us: who the hell do you think fought back at Stonewall? It wasn’t your Brooks Brothers, Martha Stewart, tastefully married asses. It was the drag queens and the transsexuals, so sit down and shut up. We don’t need your approval and we will never have theirs.

Sara’s off on a turnaround
Flying gambling fools to the holy land, Las Vegas
Sometimes, she’s here, and sometimes
She can’t be found

Las Vegas Turnaround (1973)

Hello from one of the rooms in our two-room suite, the one with the desk and Keurig machine in it. Once again I woke up when my night owl counterparts were going to bed, somewhere around 2:30 a.m. The great advantage to this suite is that I have a complete room of my own to work in, with a desk and everything! I was able to finish a new chapter in my next book, waste some time posting to antisocial media, and finish reading the novel I brought with me – all in the privacy of my own space. This is the way to do it.

Guns: The God That Doesn’t Love You Back

Florida Couple’s Car Shot At After Driving To Wrong Address For Instacart Delivery

“It’s at least the fourth incident in the past month of someone being shot at for making the mistake of going to the wrong address or vehicle.”

There’s absolutely nothing surprising about this, as America moves quickly from the castle doctrine to the “somebody’s in the driveway so I gotta shoot ‘em” doctrine. States make it easier and easier for everyone to just shoot anyone and face no consequences. Knock on the door by mistake? Shoot ‘em! Look at you the wrong way? Shoot ‘em! Who needs false idols when we’ve got guns? (I own two, so let’s not make assumptions.)

I’ve always wanted to counter the gun fetishists by pointing out that drugs don’t kill people either, people do! To paraphrase a woman defending guns recently, “If I left a pound of cocaine on the table and walked away, the cocaine won’t kill anybody.” If we won’t regulate guns, why do we regulate drugs?

Call Me Bobby: Can a Robot Be Your BFF?

Everyone’s freaking out about AI, kind of like they panicked over the Chinese spy balloon hovering over their backyard barbecue. I’m not afraid. I pretty much think we’re all algorithms from some alternate-universe malware anyway. The planet we’re killing certainly thinks so.

I embrace most technology, and I’m excited about the possible uses AI/synthetic best friends offers me as a creator (my preferred title is “imaginative”). I’m using it to narrate my newest audiobook, as well as these Substacks! And I’m very interested in exploring the potential of AI writing for blog posts, articles, columns and more. Everything changes. Writers can publish our own books now. Musicians can bypass the old label system. And Robot Anthony can narrate my stories. I love it! New technology keeps my creative mind engaged.

Thanks as always for subscribing. It encourages me to keep writing every day, the one thing besides self-destruction, bad habits, and the joy of revenge that has sustained me from the age of ten. It’s cradle to grave for me!

See you Friday from the glorious familiarity of home.

Today’s parting shot …