The Twist Podcast #202: Armed and Fabulous, Losing Loretta, Rick’s Flick Picks, and More!
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we contemplate gays with guns, mourn the loss of country music legend Loretta Lynn, run down Rick’s flick pics, and scan the headlines for any signs of hope.
The Twist Podcast #201: Dark Brandon Rising, Pumpkin Spice Handguns, Falling for Autumn, and More!
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we take a look at Biden’s uptick, rave about the fall season, consider the revolver vs automatic question, and so much more! Headlines, Twist tops, listicles, all in one rollicking podcast.
The Twist Podcast #200: The Twist Celebrates 200 Episodes! Plus Our End Times After Party
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we celebrate 200 episodes of Twisting the right away, casual coherence, meticulous madness, news, picks, opinion and fun! Plus more gay stuff than you could ever regift. Happy anniversary to the show!
The Twist Podcast #199: Moms Against Dictionaries, Cats Are All That, Rick’s Picks, and the Week in Headlines
Join co-hosts Mark McNease as we marvel at the tenacity of whacky moms on book banning binges, give credit to the amazing minds of cats, check in on this week’s Rick picks, and scan the headlines.
The Twist Podcast #198: Texas Bible Ban, Cheney Unchained, Rick’s Movie Musts, and the Week in Headlines
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we consider unintended consequences of the book ban craze, salute Liz the Lionhearted, must-list Rick’s movie picks, and scan the week in headlines.
The Twist Podcast #197: Kansas Comes Through, Tussle in Taiwan, Annoying Dogs and More!
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we give kudos to Kansas for protecting women’s reproductive rights, shout out to Nancy Pelosi’s Taiwan tussle, diss those barking dogs and disappearing hotel room dressers, and track the week in headlines!
The Twist Podcast #196: Covid Diaries, Gays with Guns, Savoring Soap Operas, and More!
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we check in post-Covid, shout out to the armed and fabulous, savor the best of soaps, and scan the week in headlines.
The Twist Podcast #195: Pride Tarts and Rainbow Catnip, Texas Teases Secession, and the Week in Headlines
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we suggest some Pride merch and social justice swag, bid a please-do goodbye to Texas,offer up our Twist Top recommendations, and scan the week in headline horrors.
The Twist Podcast #195: Pride Tarts and Rainbow Catnip, Texas Teases Secession, and the Week in Headlines
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we suggest some Pride merch and social justice swag, bid a please-do goodbye to Texas,offer up our Twist Top recommendations, and scan the week in headline horrors.
The Twist Podcast #194: Cashing In On Pride, Seditious Conspiracy Blues, and Hot Time at the School Board Tonight
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we survive the crumbling American empire, ponder the corporate Pride craze from Whoppers to Pride-cicles, and talk about this week’s headlines. Plus Twist Tops, listicles, and a move to Thursdays!
The Twist Podcast #194: Cashing In On Pride, Seditious Conspiracy Blues, and Hot Time at the School Board Tonight
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we survive the crumbling American empire, ponder the corporate Pride craze from Whoppers to Pride-cicles, and talk about this week’s headlines. Plus Twist Tops, listicles, and a move to Thursdays!
The Twist Podcast #193: Inflation Nation, Right Wing Wrongs, Philly Taste Treats, and the Week in Headlines
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we take a look at spiraling inflation, spiraling right wing violence, spiraling pretzels with yellow mustard, and the week in headlines. Plus our Twist Top picks and listicles!
The Twist Podcast #193: Inflation Nation, Right Wing Wrongs, Philly Taste Treats, and the Week in Headlines
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we take a look at spiraling inflation, spiraling right wing violence, spiraling pretzels with yellow mustard, and the week in headlines. Plus our Twist Top picks and listicles!