One Thing or Another: Batty for the Country Life
It’s always One Thing or Another… a lighthearted look at aging, life, and the absurdities of it all.
You might think moving from the city to the country means going from neighbors on the other side of your apartment walls and a general sense of overcrowding, to stillness, isolation and a night sky dotted with more stars than a human can count. Don’t be deceived. The absence of people in the countryside does not mean you’re finally alone now, enjoying the seclusion an owl might experience in a treetop.
Rainbow Mountain Resort Still Has It: 5 Stars
This one’s for you, John Higgins
“What I’ve always liked about Rainbow Mountain is that it attracts an older crowed. I’ll be 60 this year, and even though you’ll find plenty of young Qs there, it’s still a comfortable place to be older or, if you dare, old, and not feel like you’re on a gay cruise with thongs fluttering everywhere among a sea of pecs.”
I used to do restaurant reviews on my blog about a decade ago, giving them a ‘Yum’ rating (5 Yums was a must go, 2 was a stay away, 1 was a call an ambulance). I’m not crazy about stars, but I like them just a little better than thumbs. When I resume my restaurant reviews, look for those Yums to make a comeback.
That said, I’m giving Rainbow Mountain 5 stars, up, sideways, in the rearview mirror, whichever way you approach it. This LGBTQ-centric resort has been around since 1981 and, along with its fascinating history, it has a spirit you just can’t keep down.
Phase One of the Jolly Good Soda Campaign Nears Completion
One of the best things about this year has been the chance to work again with my longtime collaborator Rick Rose (co-host of our semi-weekly Twist Podcast). I was hired to write the scripts for Jolly Good’s re-introduction campaign, and it’s been a blast. The Jolly Good Joke Jam has declared a winner, but you’ll have to keep watching the videos to find out which of these amazing comic-slash-sodas was crowned the funniest by America’s voters. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE CAN-TESTANTS AT JOLLY GOOD.
New Website, New Cover Image
I’m getting used to a lot of new things: new website, new editing look and functions in WordPress (which I think I’ll eventually love), and a new image I made for the banner. The photo’s not new – it was taken by my friend Amy Mayes (AmyMayesPhotography.com), and I blended it with a clouded landscape. I love the full photo, but I wasn’t able to resize it so you could see the whole thing in the site banner. I’ve added it to the sidebar instead, just because I think it’s kind of awesome.
Dave Hughes: Let’s Let’s Skip the Silly Euphemisms and Embrace Our Age
Guest Post by By Dave Hughes, RetireFabulously.com
“I will never refer to myself as XX years young and expect others not to, either.
There is no shame in being old so let’s not manufacture it with patronizing crap like that.”That bold declaration was posted by my friend, author Mark McNease (publisher of lgbtSr.org and the editor of my two books) recently on Facebook.
Rainbow Mountain Getaway
Lee Lynch’s Amazon Trail: What?
By Lee Lynch
The Amazon TrailPhoto by Sue Hardesty When I first put in the hearing aids, I felt a giant exhalation of tension. Though I knew of my relatively modest hearing loss, I was unaware what a strain it put not just on my marriage and public life, but on my mind and body.
Grandpa Lynch, a retired Railroad Engineer, had big clunky hearing aids. Grandma Lynch needed a pair, though her family said she could hear perfectly well when she wanted to. There was definitely hearing loss on my mother’s side, but her parents couldn’t have afforded hearing aids if they’d wanted them, which they didn’t any more than Grandma Lynch did.
Shame was attached to the very idea of needing such devices. Do people reject hearing aids out of pride? Vanity? Was it the stigma of disability? Maybe back then the new-fangled things weren’t very effective. Probably they were uncomfortable.
The Twist Podcast #72: Midterm Blue, Frenemy of the People, and Living the RV Dream
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we take a look at the headlines, scan the horizon for that blue wave, discuss the free press, and dream about life in an RV.
Enjoy The Twist on Libsyn, iTunes, SoundCloud, Stitcher, YouTube, and right here at The Twist Podcast page.
Copyright 2018 MadeMark Publishing
Dave Hughes: Retirement is Like a Buffet. Will You Stuff Yourself or Starve?
By Dave Hughes, RetireFabulously.com
There’s a buffet restaurant a few miles from our home called Pacific Seafood Buffet. Most of the food is Asian, and the primary draw for us is the opportunity to eat all the sushi we care to eat for one price. Of course, there are a lot of other good dishes there too: tempura vegetables, shrimp, crab cakes, and many things you typically find at Asian buffets. And there’s green tea ice cream for dessert!
The lunch price is very reasonable, so we go every couple of months. It would be dietarily disastrous to go any more often than that. We all know that buffets are invitations to overeat, and our visits to Pacific Seafood Buffet are no exception. On the drive home, we usually bemoan the fact that we have eaten too much.
‘Black Cat White Paws’ Now In Lahaska and Doylestown Bookstores
Before and After Zucchini Bread and Muffins
The Twist Podcast #71: The Twist eBook Giveaway, Queen Elizabeth Snaps, ‘Pose’ Strikes a Chord, and Prepping for PrEP
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we take a look at the headlines, dig the royal shade (it’s all in the brooch), appreciate the greatness of Pose, and discuss PrEP and #AIDS2018Live. Also, we’re giving away Kindle copies of ‘Black Cat White Paws: A Maggie Dahl Mystery‘ to the first 8 listeners who email us at TheTwistPodcast @ Outlook.com
About Black Cat White Paws:
In Black Cat White Paws, recently widowed Maggie Dahl finds herself faced with challenges on all fronts: life alone in a new town, running a business she and her husband had dreamed of and started together, and now pursuing a killer. Her sister Gerri moves from Philadelphia to Lambertville, New Jersey, to support her sister and start a new life of her own. Together the women search for a murderer, helped in critical ways by their neighbor’s cat. A black cat with white paws. A cat whose independence sets it all in motion and sees it through to the end.
Enjoy The Twist on Libsyn, iTunes, SoundCloud, Stitcher, YouTube, and right here at The Twist Podcast page.
Copyright 2018 MadeMark Publishing
After the Storm