Dave Hughes: Retirement is Like a Buffet. Will You Stuff Yourself or Starve?
By Dave Hughes, RetireFabulously.com
There’s a buffet restaurant a few miles from our home called Pacific Seafood Buffet. Most of the food is Asian, and the primary draw for us is the opportunity to eat all the sushi we care to eat for one price. Of course, there are a lot of other good dishes there too: tempura vegetables, shrimp, crab cakes, and many things you typically find at Asian buffets. And there’s green tea ice cream for dessert!
The lunch price is very reasonable, so we go every couple of months. It would be dietarily disastrous to go any more often than that. We all know that buffets are invitations to overeat, and our visits to Pacific Seafood Buffet are no exception. On the drive home, we usually bemoan the fact that we have eaten too much.
‘Black Cat White Paws’ Now In Lahaska and Doylestown Bookstores
Before and After Zucchini Bread and Muffins
The Twist Podcast #71: The Twist eBook Giveaway, Queen Elizabeth Snaps, ‘Pose’ Strikes a Chord, and Prepping for PrEP
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we take a look at the headlines, dig the royal shade (it’s all in the brooch), appreciate the greatness of Pose, and discuss PrEP and #AIDS2018Live. Also, we’re giving away Kindle copies of ‘Black Cat White Paws: A Maggie Dahl Mystery‘ to the first 8 listeners who email us at TheTwistPodcast @ Outlook.comAbout Black Cat White Paws:
In Black Cat White Paws, recently widowed Maggie Dahl finds herself faced with challenges on all fronts: life alone in a new town, running a business she and her husband had dreamed of and started together, and now pursuing a killer. Her sister Gerri moves from Philadelphia to Lambertville, New Jersey, to support her sister and start a new life of her own. Together the women search for a murderer, helped in critical ways by their neighbor’s cat. A black cat with white paws. A cat whose independence sets it all in motion and sees it through to the end.
Enjoy The Twist on Libsyn, iTunes, SoundCloud, Stitcher, YouTube, and right here at The Twist Podcast page.
Copyright 2018 MadeMark Publishing
After the Storm
Bethany Beach At Last
Dave Hughes of RetireFabulously: The Adventure List: What it is and Why You Need One
By Dave Hughes, RetireFabulously.com
By now, you have almost certainly heard of the Bucket List. That’s a list of things you hope to experience before you pass away or “kick the bucket.” Perhaps you even have one.
I do. I think they are a good idea.
But while the concept of the Bucket List is good, it has its limitations. You probably think of your bucket list in grandiose terms. Your list is probably filled with big-ticket items and stretch goals, like taking a trip to Japan, visiting every national park, or jumping out of a perfectly good airplane.
The Savvy Senior: Can a Debt Collector Take My Social Security Benefits?
By Jim MillerDear Savvy Senior,
Can my Social Security benefits be garnished if I have some outstanding debts? I just turned 62 and would like to start collecting my retirement benefits, but want to find this out before I apply.
Worried Retiree
Dear Worried,
Whether your Social Security benefits are garnishable or not depends on whom you owe. Banks and other financial creditors, for example, can’t touch your Social Security checks. But if Uncle Sam is collecting on a debt, some of your benefits are fair game. Here’s what you should know.
Book Review: The Boys of Fairy Town, by Jim Elledge
By Terri Schlichenmeyer
The Bookworm Sez“The Boys of Fairy Town” by Jim Elledge
c.2018, Chicago Review Press $29.99 / $39.99 Canada
290 pagesDates, times, and old dead guys.
When you were in school, that’s all history was to you: a list of years and names to memorize and then forget, twenty minutes after Finals Week. So maybe now it’s time to find a history book that’s relevant to you – a book like “The Boys of Fairy Town” by Jim Elledge.
And the Goodreads Giveaway Winners Are …
The Savvy Senior: What’s the Difference Between Alzheimer’s and Dementia?
By Jim Miller
Dear Savvy Senior, What’s the difference between Alzheimer’s disease and dementia? My aunt has dementia, but they don’t know if she has Alzheimer’s disease, which is very confusing to me.
Trying To Understand
Dear Trying,
Many people use the words “Alzheimer’s disease” and “dementia” interchangeably, but they are not the same thing. In fact, you can have a form of dementia that is completely unrelated to Alzheimer’s disease. Here’s what you should know.
Grace Anne Stevens: My Transgender Life – Hi! I’m the Bride’s Dad
By Grace Anne Stevens
It all seemed to be happening so quickly. It was only about a year ago, that my oldest son told me that my daughter, Stella, had visited him with her new boyfriend, Rob.
This was a first-time event for the family, that has already worked through not only the split up of their parents in 2001 and my own transition in 2011. Given that Stella is 38, and we had not experienced this with her before, none of us was quite sure what to make of it.
I got to meet Rob last summer and was pleasantly surprised last Thanksgiving when this kind of old school young fella, started asking everyone in the family – one at a time, and secretly – that he was “thinking about marrying her, and was seeking permission from each of us.” Do people actually do this anymore?
The Twist Podcast #70: Calling Dolly Parton, Baby Jails, Miss America Meltdown, and Our Secret Agent President
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we take a look at the headlines, consider who we’d like to play us, America’s newest baby jails, the great Miss America meltdown, and Trump’s KGB handler comes to the White House.Enjoy The Twist on Libsyn, iTunes, SoundCloud, Stitcher, YouTube, and right here at The Twist Podcast page.
Copyright 2018 MadeMark Publishing