The Twist Podcast #98: Roe on the Brink, Notable Grads, the Gossip Garage, and the Week in Headlines
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we take a look at the attack on Roe, notable graduations, drag bans, the Gossip Garage, and this week’s headlines.
Enjoy The Twist on Libsyn, iTunes, SoundCloud, Stitcher, Castbox, Spotify, and TheTwistPodcast.com.
Copyright 2019 MadeMark Publishing
Cover Reveal for ‘A House in the Woods’
As the World Burns
The Twist Podcast #97: GOT Betrays the Queen, Japan’s Vanishing Babies, Gossip Garage, and Remembering Stephanie Mott
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we take a look at Game of Thrones’ crazy b*tch trope, Japan’s vanishing babies, our new Gossip Garage segment, Twisted headlines, and remembering Stephanie Mott.
Enjoy The Twist on Libsyn, iTunes, SoundCloud, Stitcher, Castbox, Spotify, and TheTwistPodcast.com.
Copyright 2019 MadeMark Publishing
Stephanie Mott Passes Away, the World is a Darker Place
I am beyond sad. I just found out Stephanie Mott passed away. I had no idea. Stephanie was one of the most gracious, kind, generous, genuine, fearless people I have ever met. She wrote columns for LGBTSr. She spoke on a panel at the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association convention in Boston with me and David Webb. She was just so beautiful. An activist, a role model, someone I wanted to be like but whose heart was so much bigger than mine. I’m so, so heartbroken.The world is a darker place without you, Stephanie Mott. Truly. Meanness, vindictiveness, name-calling, the ugliness spreads while a light like you goes out. You would tell me to chose love over anger, but it’s hard in a world so unfair.
Stephanie Mott, trailblazing activist for transgender people, died last week at the age of 61. Stephanie was born in 1957 and grew up on small farm outside Eudora.
She lived for 48 years under a different name. We will not use it here. To us, and to the countless others she touched, she was only Stephanie.
Fun Red Shoes
Last Day in Rehoboth
Writing Up a Storm on a Sunny Day in Rehoboth
The Savvy Senior: 2020 Census Offers Temporary Jobs Ideally Suited for Retirees
By Jim MillerDear Savvy Senior,
The U.S. Census Bureau is in the process of recruiting thousands of workers for temporary jobs to help collect valuable data for the 2020 Census, and retirees are ideal candidates. Can you write a column to get the word out? Thanks for your help!
Census Recruiter
Dear Recruiter,
I’m happy to oblige, and I agree. This once-a-decade job opportunity is a great fit for retirees that have some free time on their hands who wouldn’t mind earning some extra income while helping the community.
The Savvy Senior: 2020 Census Offers Temporary Jobs Ideally Suited for Retirees
By Jim MillerDear Savvy Senior,
The U.S. Census Bureau is in the process of recruiting thousands of workers for temporary jobs to help collect valuable data for the 2020 Census, and retirees are ideal candidates. Can you write a column to get the word out? Thanks for your help!
Census Recruiter
Dear Recruiter,
I’m happy to oblige, and I agree. This once-a-decade job opportunity is a great fit for retirees that have some free time on their hands who wouldn’t mind earning some extra income while helping the community.
Sue Katz: An Interview with author Stephanie Schroeder, co-editor of Headcase: LGBTQ Writers & Artists on Mental Health and Wellness
The following is reprinted with permission from Sue Katz’s Consenting Adult blog.
By Sue Katz
Stephanie Schroeder – writer and peer advocate – and her co-editor Teresa Theophano – writer and social worker – have brought together 38 important pieces of writing on the topic of LGBTQ mental health today in their anthology Headcase: LGBTQ Writers & Artists on Mental Health and Wellness. Stephanie is known for her hard-hitting socially-aware journalism and one other book, her moving memoir.
The enthusiastic reception of Headcase is reflected in its reviews where comments call it “ground-breaking,” “poignant,” “terrific and essential,” and “a diverse democracy of voices.” I spoke to Stephanie Schroeder about the process of putting together such a pioneering work.
Sue Katz: An Interview with author Stephanie Schroeder, co-editor of Headcase: LGBTQ Writers & Artists on Mental Health and Wellness
The following is reprinted with permission from Sue Katz’s Consenting Adult blog.
By Sue Katz
Stephanie Schroeder – writer and peer advocate – and her co-editor Teresa Theophano – writer and social worker – have brought together 38 important pieces of writing on the topic of LGBTQ mental health today in their anthology Headcase: LGBTQ Writers & Artists on Mental Health and Wellness. Stephanie is known for her hard-hitting socially-aware journalism and one other book, her moving memoir.
The enthusiastic reception of Headcase is reflected in its reviews where comments call it “ground-breaking,” “poignant,” “terrific and essential,” and “a diverse democracy of voices.” I spoke to Stephanie Schroeder about the process of putting together such a pioneering work.
The Twist Podcast #96: Go Sleepy Joe, Sensational Salt Lake City, and the Week in Headlines
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we take a look at Sleepy Joe Biden and his chances in the ring, a review of sensational Salt Lake City, this week’s Twist List, and the week in headlines.Enjoy The Twist on Libsyn, iTunes, SoundCloud, Stitcher, Castbox, Spotify, and TheTwistPodcast.com.
Copyright 2019 MadeMark Publishing