One Thing or Another: 2020 Vision
By Mark McNease
It’s always One Thing or Another… a lighthearted look at aging, life, and the absurdities of it all.
Two months into a new year and this one feels different. Depending on your preferred echo chamber, America is either experiencing a renaissance of greatness restored by the last presidential election, or crumbling into a sinkhole of authoritarian despair. The earth is slowly catching fire while the ice caps melt, or it’s all a conspiracy to make us vote for liberals. The extremes are increasingly extreme, and now, as we hurtle toward an election many people are declaring the most significant in their lifetimes, it’s all too much, like a hangover breakfast at a diner after a party you never wanted to attend. We live under sustained assault by social media and a news cycle that stopped knowing how to shut off back when the Indian head ceased displaying on our TV screens from midnight till 6:00 a.m.
One Thing or Another: 2020 Vision
By Mark McNease
It’s always One Thing or Another… a lighthearted look at aging, life, and the absurdities of it all.
Two months into a new year and this one feels different. Depending on your preferred echo chamber, America is either experiencing a renaissance of greatness restored by the last presidential election, or crumbling into a sinkhole of authoritarian despair. The earth is slowly catching fire while the ice caps melt, or it’s all a conspiracy to make us vote for liberals. The extremes are increasingly extreme, and now, as we hurtle toward an election many people are declaring the most significant in their lifetimes, it’s all too much, like a hangover breakfast at a diner after a party you never wanted to attend. We live under sustained assault by social media and a news cycle that stopped knowing how to shut off back when the Indian head ceased displaying on our TV screens from midnight till 6:00 a.m.
25 Great US Cities and Towns for LGBT Retirees
By Dave Hughes, RetireFabulously.com
This article is an excerpt from Dave Hughes’ new book, The Quest for Retirement Utopia: How to Find the Retirement Spot That’s Right for You.
When it comes to choosing a place to live during retirement, LGBT people want the same things that everyone else wants – safety, reasonable prices, agreeable climate, cultural and recreational amenities, and good healthcare.
However, LGBT people have a few additional factors to consider. Those include how tolerant an area is, the presence of a gay community, and healthcare providers that are welcoming towards LGBT people. Sadly, instances where LGBT patients are treated poorly and same-sex partners are denied visitation rights or decision-making rights in hospitals and nursing homes are still all too common.
Gay Travelers Magazine: Virgin Voyages – No Nickel and Diming Cruising Arrives in Florida
Reprinted with permission from Sunny Harbor Publishing
By Steven Skelley & Thomas Routzong
SCARLET LADY, the first ship of Virgin Voyages brand by Sir Richard Branson is cruising to Florida where it will offer “no nickel and diming cruising” where tips, wifi, food and group workouts are all included.
Here is what you need to know:
Virgin Voyages’ first ship, Scarlet Lady, will arrive at PortMiami in 2020 for her inaugural sailing season where she will sail to the Caribbean hosting more than 2,770 sailors and 1,150 amazing crew from around the world. Virgin Voyages will offer a mix of itineraries.
Featured Book: The Quest for Retirement Utopia: How to Find the Retirement Spot That’s Right for You, by Dave Hughes
He’s done it again! The fabulous Dave Hughes of Retire Fabulously has recently released his third book on the ups, downs, ins and outs of retirement.
The Quest for Retirement Utopia: How to Find the Retirement Spot That’s Right for You, “will provide you with the resources you need to properly evaluate the places you are thinking about retiring so that you can make the most informed choice. The Quest for Retirement Utopia is not just a quest for the most beautiful or most economically advantageous place, it’s a quest for the place where you can live an optimal, fulfilling, and wonderful life. The Quest for Retirement Utopia will help you find the retirement spot that’s right for you!”
Cathy’s Wealth of Health: Let’s Talk About the Role of Inflammation in Illness
Inflammation: Causes and Cures
By Cathy McNease, HerbalistOne of the biggest predictors of how well we age is the amount of inflammation present in our bodies. The major killer diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s, as well as the discomforts of gastritis, arthritis, gingivitis, and the many other –itises, all begin with inflammation. When an organ is inflamed, disease follows. Over time that fire in the tissues or cells can become life threatening. Some of the best cures to reduce inflammation are found in colorful fruits and vegetables. The other vital component to fire reduction is to avoid unhealthy fats, denatured grains, refined sugars, and foods heavy laden in artificial flavorings, colorings and preservatives.
In recent years the medical world has awakened to the huge connection between diet and health. One of the measurable factors that your doctor may use to determine disease risks is your level of CRP (C-Reactive Proteins) in the blood. It is now know that this is a more reliable pointer to the possibility of heart disease than merely looking at cholesterol levels. It will also show the amount of inflammation generally present in the body.
Guest Rick Rose Joins Me for Our February Look Back – Fasten Your Headphones!
Guest Rick Rose returns for our monthly look back to catch up on the latest in politics, culture and food whimsy for February. You say acquitted, I say impeached, let’s call the whole thing off! Plus: Bernie scares the moderates, blue popcorn, and Sotomayor takes a stand.
Enjoy the One Thing or Another Podcast on Libsyn, iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify iHeart Radio, or SoundCloud.
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Copyright MadeMarkPublishing
The Savvy Senior: Beware of Potential 2020 Census Scams
Dear Savvy Senior,
Can you offer some tips to help seniors guard against census scams? With the 2020 census gearing up, I’ve read that there are a lot of potential scammers out there looking to take advantage of older people and I want to protect myself.
Cautious Judy
Dear Judy,
Unfortunately, scams have become a persistent problem when the U.S. Census Bureau does its once-a-decade count of the U.S. population. Here’s what you can expect from the 2020 Census in the coming weeks, and how you can protect yourself from potential scams.
Why Pete Buttigieg’s Campaign was a BFD
I hope there are plenty of gay boys out there right now saying, “Wow, look at that. I think I’ll stay alive another day and maybe, just maybe, I can get through this.”
I like Pete Buttigieg. I first heard about him when I learned that South Bend, Indiana, had a gay mayor. I grew up two towns over, in Elkhart, and I’d gone to school in South Bend for a few years. My parents had a music store there, and, of course, Notre Dame is located nearby. As someone who’d been an out gay teen in high school, I never thought I’d live to see a gay mayor in a place I might call my hometown, if I ever thought I had one. That’s how alien I felt as a kid: I had no hometown, and I fled the state three days after my high school graduation.
Now let’s talk about ‘Mayor Pete’ and why his candidacy was a Big F-king Deal.
I know the trend for the last several years has been to denigrate things like a gender binary, privilege, whiteness, maleness, and the very idea of gayness, which, to many of a younger generation, now leaves a sour taste in their mouths. What can be more passé than being a cisgender, white, gay man, right? Well, let me tell you …
Another Great Promo with Book Funnel: LGBTQ Fiction
Another month, another great promo with Book Funnel. Lots of free eBooks for fans of LGBTQ fiction – mysteries, literary fiction, shorts and more. And, of course, my thriller, ‘Murder at the Paisley Parrot.’ Cruise over and start downloading.
Frank and I in NJ.com for the Rotary Clubs’ Hunterdon County Soup Cook-Off
Guest Rick Rose Joins Me for Our February Look Back – Fasten Your Headphones!
Guest Rick Rose returns for our monthly look back to catch up on the latest in politics, culture and food whimsy for February. You say acquitted, I say impeached, let’s call the whole thing off! Plus: Bernie scares the moderates, blue popcorn, and Sotomayor takes a stand.
Enjoy the One Thing or Another Podcast on Libsyn, iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify iHeart Radio, or SoundCloud.
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Copyright MadeMarkPublishing
Ginny Brennan, Producing Director for Music Mountain Theatre, Joins the Podcast
My guest this week is Ginny Brennan, Producing Director and a founder of Lambertville, New Jersey’s, Music Mountain Theatre. Join me as we talk about Ginny’s involvement, the creation of Music Mountain Theatre, and the invaluable contribution it makes to the community and beyond.
Coming Up on the One Thing or Another Podcast:
- Rick Rose for our February look back on politics, culture and more
- Maribeth Fabrizio on Tiny Miracles Animal Rescue
Enjoy the One Thing or Another Podcast on Libsyn, iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio or SoundCloud.
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