• What's Cooking

    What’s Cooking: The Happy Medium’s Gazpacho Recipe

    What’s Cooking is a feature at LGBTSr highlighting readers’ favorite recipes. Have a recipe to share? Email us at: recipes @ lgbtsr.com

    The following recipe was provided by Jeff McKeehan, The Happy Medium and husband to Dave Hughes of Retire Fabulously fame.

    Gazpacho Trivia: This dish, beloved throughout Spain, plays a central role in the hilarious Pedro Almodóvar film, “Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown”, starring a very young Antonio Banderas.

    Equipment Needed:

    Blender with approx. 48 -60 oz capacity.

    Wire strainer, approx. 8” diameter, with medium-to-fine mesh

    Short-handled soup ladle (for pressing contents through strainer)

    Flexible spatula for scraping sides of blender and mixing bowl

    Large, lightweight (plastic or stainless steel, not glass) mixing bowl with approx.  60 oz capacity.

    Container with tight-fitting lid and closeable pour spout, with approx. 50-60 oz. capacity

  • Columns,  Dave Hughes,  LGBTSR

    Dave Hughes: Stay-At-Home Orders May Provide Preview of Retirement for Some

    By Dave Hughes, Retire Fabulously

    This article was written on April 2, 2020, about three months into the global COVID-19 pandemic. In the United States, most state governors have issued stay-at-home orders. Everyone except essential workers is urged to stay home and only venture forth to procure necessities, maintaining a distance of at least six feet from others. Soon, we will be asked to wear face masks. Some people already are.

    First, I would like to express my most sincere gratitude for those who must go to work, often placing themselves in danger: those in the medical professions, grocery store employees, delivery drivers, etc. You are heroes!


    Leslie Jordan Becomes An Instagram Sensation

    Actor Leslie Jordan has been around for decades but recently found himself becoming an Instagram sensation during the national semi-quarantine. You can see his videos HERE, as he helps lighten a very dark time.

    “For a really long time, I had 20,000 followers. People would tell me, “Oh, that’s nothing,” and I said, “Are you kidding me? 20,000 people want to hear from me.” And then Megan Mullally from “Will & Grace” reposted something I posted, and I had 80,000 followers. They kept saying, “That’s still nothing.” I go, “What do you mean? That’s 80,000 people.” And it stayed at 80,000 for a really long time, and then I’m not sure what happened. The shutdown, of course, we all had to hunker down and stay at home, and my number started — I would just notice, oh my gosh, I’ve got like 20,000 more. Who are these people? I had no idea. It’s all of a sudden becoming popular, and how is this happening?” – Leslie Jordan, in the Washington Post


  • A Wealth of Health,  Cathy's Wealth of Health,  Columns

    Cathy’s Wealth of Health: Staying Healthy with a Rainbow of Foods

    By Cathy McNease, Herbalist

    I know of no better food advice for a long healthy life than to strive towards eating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables every day. Each color provides a power pack of nutrients to stave off chronic diseases and promote vitality. The USDA recently provided a new icon to represent a healthy diet, thanks to the work of Michelle Obama in attempting to raise food consciousness and tackle the childhood obesity epidemic. The image is a plate with ½ being devoted to fruits and vegetables, ¼ for proteins (lean meats, beans, eggs) and ¼ for grains (with the suggestion that at least ½ of the grains are whole grains). Off to the side is a small circle representing reduced fat dairy products (a glass of low fat milk or a container of yogurt). The brilliance is in its simplicity. Whether you are a child or a senior, you can understand the guidance. (Go to www.choosemyplate.gov for more dietary guidelines.) Most of us, even the healthiest of eaters, need to eat more fruits and vegetables. Reminding yourself of the rainbow helps move you towards that goal.

  • An App for That

    An App for That: Spending Tracker (Apple App Store)

    An App for That is a regular feature at LGBTSr highlighting useful apps and technology tips for our readers. Have an app to recommend? Email me at: Editor @ LGBTSr.com

    If you’re like me, you wonder from time to time just how much you’re spending at Starbucks, what you’re laying out for lunches every week – in my case at work – how cost-effective your spending habits are, and, very importantly, how much you’re spending versus your income every month.

    I’ve been using a simple, free, very user-friendly little app on my iPhone called Spending Tracker, by MH Riley Ltd. It has the option to upgrade for the pro version at $2.99. I use the free version because all I really do with it is add expenses and income. That suits my needs. It also supports family sharing, which is a big plus if you want that. It requires iOS 9.0 or later, and is compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. I’m sure there are comparable apps for non-Apple users, but I’m an all-Apple guy and this is my recommendation for those who like to keep it simple and at no cost.

  • Columns,  Savvy Senior

    The Savvy Senior: How to Get Help from Social Security During the Coronavirus Pandemic

    By Jim Miller

    Dear Savvy Senior,

    I’ve heard that the Social Security Administration has closed all their offices because of the coronavirus pandemic. How are they accommodating people while they’re closed down?

    Recently Retired

    Dear Recently,

    Yes, that’s correct. The Social Security Administration has closed its 1,200 field offices throughout the country to protect benefit recipients and workers from the coronavirus pandemic. Their offices have been closed since March 17. How long they will be closed is unclear. It will depend on the course of the pandemic.

  • 6 Questions,  6 Questions / Interviews

    From the Archives: 6 Questions for Author Paula Martinac

    By Mark McNease

    Eight years of LGBTSr have given me a rich archive of interviews, reviews, podcasts and content. Here’s a ‘6 Questions’ interview from 2018 with author Paula Martinac. Her most recent novel, Clio Rising, was released by Bywater Books in April, 2019.

    Paula Martinac

    I recently had the pleasure of interviewing author Paula Martinac. Her latest novel, The Ada Decades, tells the story of Ada Shook, a librarian who begins the book as a child discovering a shocking postcard image in her father’s possession, and ends seven decades later as a reluctant witness to history. Told in eleven interconnected stories, the novel examines issues of race, class, and the slow climb toward LGBT equality in a pre-Stonewall world.

    See Paula’s in-depth answers to ‘6 Questions’ below, and mark your calendars: I’ll be chatting with Paula on a podcast sometime in the next month or two. I’m excited to continue our conversation. For now …

  • Columns,  Savvy Senior

    The Savvy Senior: How to Protect Your Elderly Parents from Coronavirus

    By Jim Miller

    Dear Savvy Senior,

    I’m concerned about my 80-year-old mother who’s at high risk for coronavirus. She lives on her own about 100 miles from me, and I’ve been keeping close tabs on her since this whole pandemic started. What tips can you offer long-distance family members?

    Concerned Daughter

    Dear Concerned,

    Because the elderly and people with chronic medical conditions are the most vulnerable to the new coronavirus, following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guideline of social distancing and staying home is critically important.

    Here are some additional tips and recommendations from the CDC and public health specialists that can help keep your elderly mother safe and healthy while she’s hunkering down at home until the pandemic passes.

  • New

    New Logo, New Times, New Journeys

    I’m tired of being in the “author” box. I may write more fiction, I may not, but I will always get up in the early morning to do something, it’s what keeps me going. My Facebook page is now Mark McNease Creative, and you can see I’ve redone my logo here as well. Podcasting, publishing, editing, writing, whatever sparks are flying any given day. It’s always now or never, don’t you think?