YourWritePath Workshops Coming in May and June

    Things are kicking into high gear. I’ll be offering four more 2-hour workshops (May 4 Fiction Essentials is full!). Follow the links beneath each description to register. Two are online, two are in-person (the Fiction Essentials workshop on June 9 is for congregants of the First Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Hunterdon County, where I’m a member).

    Storytelling is healing. As we reveal ourselves in story, we become aware of the continuing core of our lives under the fragmented surface of our experience. We become aware of the multifaceted, multi-chaptered ‘I’ who is the storyteller. We can trace out the paradoxical and even contradictory versions of ourselves that we create for different occasions, different audiences… Most important, as we become aware of ourselves as storytellers, we realized that what we understand and imagine about ourselves is a story. And when we know all this, we can use our stories to heal and make ourselves whole.”

    —Susan Wittig Albert, Writing From Life

  • Book Reviews,  LGBTSR

    Book Review: Here We Go Again, by Alison Cochrun


    By Terri Schlichenmeyer
    The Bookworm Sez

    “Here We Go Again” by Alison Cochrun
    c.2024, Atria  $17.99   368 pages

    … Joe didn’t want to die surrounded by hospital walls. Would Logan and Rosemary drive him and his dog to Maine, to a cabin he owned? Would they spend time crammed side-by-side in a used van with a gay logo, keeping Joe alive, coast-to-coast? Could they do it without screaming the whole way?

    Can you do me a solid?

    Just one little favor, a quick errand, it won’t take long. You can do it next time you’re out, in fact. Consider it your good deed for the day, if it makes you feel better. A mitzvah. An indulgence to a fellow human. As in the new novel, Here We Go Again” by Alison Cochrun, think of it as a life-changing thing.

    She couldn’t remember the woman’s first name.

    Did Logan Maletis really ever know it? Everybody at her job – administration, students, other teachers – called everyone else by their last name so the colleague she’d been hooking up with for weeks was just “Schaffer.” Whatever, Logan didn’t care and she wasn’t cold-hearted but when Savannah broke up with her in public, she did wonder if maybe, possibly, the awful names she called Logan were fair or true.

    Rosemary Hale would’ve agreed with every single last one of those nasty names.


    An Interview with Steve Dolainski, Guided Autobiography Instructor


    I’ve been friends with Steve Dolainski for over a decade. We co-edited and published Outer Voices, Inner Lives: LGBTQ Writers Over 50, an anthology that became a Lambda Literary Award finalist in 2014. I finally met Steve in person a year ago when we were visiting my sister in Ojai, California, and he told me about recently becoming a certified Guided Autobiography instructor. I was hooked by the description and what Guided Autobiography has to offer, and earlier this year I took the instructor’s training to became certified myself.

    Enjoy this 15-minute interview recorded yesterday. It will be part of my weekly co-hosted Twist Podcast, but it stands alone very well.

    GAB Gazette Features Guided Autobiography Instructor Steve Dolainski

    Featured Guided Autobiography instructor Steve Dolainski, who introduced me to GAB. My own workshops and courses start this spring.


    “Stephen Dolainski was drawn to GAB after learning about it through friends in Oregon in 2022.

    “I did some research on GAB and, as a long-time adult educator and writer/editor, I was intrigued with the concept and the methodology. I immediately knew that GAB was something for me to explore,” he said.

    After taking the the training in November 2022, he wanted to work with LGBTQ seniors.

    “When I received certification, I contacted the Los Angeles LGBT Center and proposed forming a GAB class,” he said. “In 2023, we offered three GAB 1 classes and one GAB 2 class. More classes will be offered in 2024.”

    Stephen loves teaching GAB and talks about how it how much it benefits writers by sharing their truth.”


  • LGBTSR,  Savvy Senior

    Savvy Senior: Recommended Vaccines for Medicare Recipients

    By Jim Miller

    Dear Savvy Senior,

    My husband and I recently turned 65 and would like to find out which vaccines are recommended and covered by Medicare?

    New Beneficiaries

    Dear New,

    All recommended vaccines for adults, age 65 and older, should be covered by either Medicare Part B or Part D, but there are some coverage challenges you should be aware of. Here’s a rundown of which vaccines are recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and how Medicare covers them.

    Covid-19: Even though Covid-19 is no longer a public health emergency, it can still cause severe illness, particularly in older adults. Because the Covid virus continues to mutate, new vaccines are being developed to keep pace, so the CDC recommends that all seniors stay up to date with the latest Covid vaccines, including booster shots.

    All Covid-19 shots are covered 100 percent by Medicare Part B.

  • Cathy's Wealth of Health,  LGBTSR

    Cathy’s Wealth of Health: Eyes: A Window to Liver Health  

    By Cathy McNease, Dipl CH, RH

    Traditional Chinese Medicine has given us a way to physically view how healthy or unhealthy is our liver via the eyes.  So much information is provided to me as a practitioner by simply observing my patient’s eyes. The tongue is used in Chinese Medicine for diagnosis. The sides of the tongue tell you about liver health…pale = blood deficiency; red = heat; purple = stagnation. If your eyes are still in good condition, but you observe one of these colors on your tongue, start now to remedy the imbalance in your liver and protect your precious sense of vision. One of the beauties of tongue reading is that it empowers us to prevent diseases before they strike.

    Here are some of the most important messages seen in the eyes, followed by some simple remedies:

    Red eyes show heat, inflammation, or irritation.

    Dry eyes show lack of body fluids, deficiency of blood or too much heat.

  • Book Reviews,  LGBTSR,  Terri Schlichenmeyer

    Book Review: The Secret Lives of Booksellers and Librarians: True Stories of the Magic of Reading, by James Patterson and Matt Eversmann with Chris Mooney

    By Terri Schlichenmeyer
    The Bookworm Sez

    “The Secret Lives of Booksellers and Librarians: True Stories of the Magic of Reading” by James Patterson and Matt Eversmann with Chris Mooney

    c.2024, Little, Brown  $28.00  338 pages

    Last night, you got between the covers and went to South America.

    It wasn’t difficult. A few days ago, you walked around London in 1888; you were in the future before that; you’ve met con artists, florists, runaways, and heroines, and you didn’t even have to leave your house. You can experience many things with a book, and in “The Secret Lives of Booksellers and Librarians” by James Patterson and Matt Eversmann, you’ll read about a different kind of adventure.

    “To be a bookseller,” say the authors, “you have to play detective.”

    That means determining which book with a “blue cover” is the one the customer wants. It’s asking the right questions to find the right fit for young readers and assuring book lovers that “that’s okay” if they didn’t like something.


    Upcoming Workshops in May: 2-Hour Guided Autobiography Introductory Workshops, and Fiction Writing Essentials

    Ready, set … write! I’ve got two 2-hour Guided Autobiography workshops coming up in May, one in-person and one online.

    Join us in May for one of two 2-hour Guided Autobiography workshops.

    Storytelling is healing. As we reveal ourselves in story, we become aware of the continuing core of our lives under the fragmented surface of our experience. We become aware of the multifaceted, multi-chaptered ‘I’ who is the storyteller. We can trace out the paradoxical and even contradictory versions of ourselves that we create for different occasions, different audiences… Most important, as we become aware of ourselves as storytellers, we realized that what we understand and imagine about ourselves is a story. And when we know all this, we can use our stories to heal and make ourselves whole.”

    —Susan Wittig Albert, Writing From Life

    Guided Autobiography centers on thematic journaling, with participants writing on a selected theme for the workshop. Courses and condensed workshops include handouts, thought- and conversation-generating ideas and suggestions, ice breakers, and the pleasures of bonding with the group members while we explore the stories we’ve told with our lives.

    The journey toward ourselves begins with a sentence. We are the ‘I’ in storytelling. Participants will receive the workshop outline (PowerPoint), complimentary folder, yellow writing pad, and pen.
  • LGBTSR,  The Weekly Readlines

    The Weekly Readlines April 5


    The right indulged in another manufactured freakout, this time over the White House Easter egg hunt, and Biden’s observation of the Trans Day of Visibility. The egg hunt has had the same rules about not including religious imagery for 45 years, and trans visibility day has been on March 31 since it began in 2009. Meanwhile, Trump escalates his fusion of politics and Christian nationalist grievance, declaring that election day will be ‘Christian Visibility Day.’ As if anyone could miss the most ubiquitous religion in America.

    Costo weighs in on the weight-loss game with its new $179 three-month plan, in partnership with Sesame, its healthcare vendor. You can sign up after snagging their super popular $1.50 hot dogs with a whopping 700 calories. Seems like the perfect combo.

    Disney shareholders rejected a push for an anti-trans policy in an explosive annual meeting, and the Talented Mr. Ripley got a remake on Netflix that has everyone calling it a masterpiece.


    LGBT Adults More Likely To Experience Discrimination In The Exam Room – MSN

    A Queer Muslim HIV-positive Journey – POZ Magazine

    Joe Biden Calls Trans People “Fabric Of Our Nation” In Trans Day Of Visibility Proclamation

    Best LGBTQ+ bars to visit in the Midwest – GayCities

  • LGBTSR,  Savvy Senior

    Savvy Senior: Best Cell Phones for Seniors


    By Jim Miller

    Dear Savvy Senior,

    Can you recommend some good cell phones for seniors? My 79-year-old mother needs to get a new mobile phone and has asked me to help her find one that she would like.

    Searching Daughter

    Dear Searching,

    For older adults, choosing a cell phone is not a one-size-fits-all proposition. Some seniors love the latest high-tech smartphones with high-megapixel cameras, while others prioritize simple phones with basic functions. So, the best cell phone for your mom will depend on her comfort with technology, priorities and budget.

    Best Cell Phones

    To help identify the best cell phones for older adults, I consulted Wirecutter, a product testing and recommendation service from The New York Times who recently tested 18 cell phone models.

    Their testing focus was on three different areas, including best phones for older adults who are comfortable with technology and want to upgrade to a full-featured smartphone with robust accessibility settings; best cell phones for seniors who are not tech-inclined or who prefer a smartphone with fewer features, as well as those who are experiencing vision, hearing, or dexterity issues; and best cell phones for elderly seniors who need specific accessibility features due to physical or cognitive issues. Here are their top choices based on their tests.


    New Release: Jean Ryan’s Luminous Poetry Collection, ‘A Day Like This’ Now Available

    I’ve been a fan of Jean Ryan’s superb writing for quite a few years now, and what could be more exciting than a new collection of her poetry? I ordered this the instant I knew it was available. Jean is a writer’s writer, whether it’s short stories, novels, astonishing nature essays, or poetry. And she’s an excellent painter, too! Poetry is the foundation of so much of what we call good writing, and Jean delivers. I’ve been devouring her poems one by one, and now they’re available in a single volume. Buy it here.

    About ‘A Day Like This’

    In the title poem of Jean Ryan’s luminous new collection, her speaker sees swallows slicing the air, observing, “Short dark arrows, they never miss, their flight too swift for error.” I can’t think of a more apt description for A Day Like This, in which poem after poem so vividly penetrates to the core of lived experience. Ryan’s poems have an ease of movement and transparency of structure I find most enviable. She has a special gift for finding what remains fresh and particular inside the ancient stuff of poetry. This is a gorgeous book, powerful and assured, written by a poet who is elegant, concise, honest, and warm-hearted in her approach. I can’t recommend it enough. A quietly masterful work.

    —Erin Belieu, author of the poetry collections Come-Hither HoneycombBlack BoxSlant Six, and One Above and One Below