Book Review: Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man, by Mary L. Trump, Ph.D.
By Terri Schlichenmeyer
The Bookwork“Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man” by Mary L. Trump, Ph.D.
c.2020, Simon and Schuster
$28.00 / $37.00 Canada 227 pagesYou hadn’t seen that container in ages.
You really can’t remember when you put it on the shelf. Sometime this year, six years ago, when you moved last? What’s in it must be worth something, though, or you wouldn’t’ve saved it. Now, as in the new book “Too Much and Never Enough” by Mary L. Trump, PhD, digging may yield answers.
No one has to explain to you who Donald Trump is but, for anyone who’s been completely out of the loop, Mary Trump is Donald’s niece (she uses his first name, always, and to avoid confusion, so will we). Trump has a PhD in psychology, worked at Manhattan Psychiatric Center while in school, was once a therapist, and taught graduate psychology. The point is, she’s got chops and it shows, especially when this book – a look at her family and, specifically, her Uncle Donald – reads like something from the True Medicine genre. Indeed, medically-based passages are nearly emotionless in their clinicality.
The Twist Podcast #131: F is for Fascist, Dollar Gun Tree, Hellish Headlines and More
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we take a look at fascist fashions from Portland to Chicago, the explosion of casual gun violence, this week’s headlines from hell, and much more!
Enjoy The Twist on Libsyn, iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, and TheTwistPodcast.com.Â
Copyright 2020 MadeMark Publishing
‘This is How It Starts’: Lincoln Project Takes on Trump’s Storm Trooper Tactics
Another excellent hit job from The Lincoln Project, this one taking aim at Trump’s and his consigliere Bill Barr’s Storm Trooper tactics. With his American Brownshirts, Trump is testing to see how easy it would be to take over the cities and the nation. We can’t let them.
The Savvy Senior: Can I Stop Social Security if I Go Back to Work?
By Jim MillerDear Savvy Senior,
I lost my job last month because of the coronavirus crisis. With little savings, I’ve been thinking about starting my Social Security benefits early to help me get by. But my question is, if I find a new job can I stop my Social Security benefits and restart them at a later date so they can continue to grow?
Almost 63Â
Dear Almost,
Yes, there are actually two ways you can stop your Social Security retirement benefits (once you’ve started collecting them) and restart them at a later date, which would boost your benefits. But in order to do this certain rules and conditions must be met. Here are your options.
Book Review: Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man, by Mary L. Trump, Ph.D.
By Terri Schlichenmeyer
The Bookwork“Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man” by Mary L. Trump, Ph.D.
c.2020, Simon and Schuster
$28.00 / $37.00 Canada 227 pagesYou hadn’t seen that container in ages.
You really can’t remember when you put it on the shelf. Sometime this year, six years ago, when you moved last? What’s in it must be worth something, though, or you wouldn’t’ve saved it. Now, as in the new book “Too Much and Never Enough” by Mary L. Trump, PhD, digging may yield answers.
No one has to explain to you who Donald Trump is but, for anyone who’s been completely out of the loop, Mary Trump is Donald’s niece (she uses his first name, always, and to avoid confusion, so will we). Trump has a PhD in psychology, worked at Manhattan Psychiatric Center while in school, was once a therapist, and taught graduate psychology. The point is, she’s got chops and it shows, especially when this book – a look at her family and, specifically, her Uncle Donald – reads like something from the True Medicine genre. Indeed, medically-based passages are nearly emotionless in their clinicality.
The Twist Podcast #130: Mask Madness, News of the Day, and The Twist Turns (Almost) Five!
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we take a look at today’s hot headlines, masks as chin guards, food trends, and a save-the-date for The Twist’s 5th anniversary!
Enjoy The Twist on Libsyn, iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, and TheTwistPodcast.com.Â
Copyright 2020 MadeMark Publishing
LGBTSr Takes a Break!
Dear loyal LGBTSr readers, I’ll be taking some time off from the website. I’ve got a new Kyle Callahan Mystery to finish up and publish, I’m co-hosting The Twist Podcast again, and I’ll be doing occasional interviews for the One Thing or Another Podcast … and I have a job! No downtime for me, so I’m pausing LGBTSr for the time being. Check me out at my personal website, MarkMcNease.com, for updates and giveaways, and enjoy the summer as you can! – Mark McNease/Editor -
LGBTSr Takes a Break!
Dear loyal LGBTSr readers, I’ll be taking some time off from the website. I’ve got a new Kyle Callahan Mystery to finish up and publish, I’m co-hosting The Twist Podcast again, and I’ll be doing occasional interviews for the One Thing or Another Podcast … and I have a job! No downtime for me, so I’m pausing LGBTSr for the time being. Check me out at my personal website, MarkMcNease.com, for updates and giveaways, and enjoy the summer as you can! – Mark McNease/Editor -
The Twist Podcast Swag is On the Way!
A July eBook Giveaway: ‘A House in the Woods’
Mark, your editor here. I’ll be doing regular Kindle eBook giveaways throughout the coming months. It’s July, and that means it’s time for another one! This month I’ll be giving away 5 Kindle editions of my supernatural chiller, A House in the Woods. Winners will be randomly drawn on July 31.
Just visit the announcement at my website and use the RafflePress entry form to enter, and remember to check your spam folder for the required confirmation! No muss, no fuss. Note: you must live in the U.S. to use these codes. Sorry, but for these giveaways I have to stick with the U.S. (Kindle rules). All entrants’ emails are kept confidential and you will NOT be added to my email list! But please consider subscribing HERE for occasional author updates and fabulous freebies.
About A House in the Woods
Country Living is HellLaurel and Jeremy Calloway have longed for a new life away from the chaos and confusion of New York City. Driving along a country road in New Jersey with a young real estate agent in the back seat, they almost miss it: a small house in the woods for sale. Laurel immediately thinks this could be the house for them, the house of their dreams, where a simpler life awaits. But who are the mysterious old couple who’d put the house up for sale, having moved out months ago? Is caretaker Eileen more than a friendly neighbor? Who are the strange townspeople they meet, and is it the house of their dreams, or of their nightmares?
Prefer to get your listen on? Enjoy the audiobook edition of A House in the Woods at Audible, Amazon and iTunes, narrated by Daniela Acitelli.
Book Review: 55, Underemployed, and Faking Normal: Your Guide to a Better Life, by Elizabeth White
By Terri Schlichenmeyer
The Bookworm
55, Underemployed, and Faking Normal: Your Guide to a Better Life, by Elizabeth White
c.2020 in paperback, Simon & Schuster
$17.00 / $23.00 Canada 272 pagesYour last regular paycheck has come and gone.
That was awhile ago, back before you were downsized / laid off / reassigned right out of a job and you’re not sure what to do. Your savings are nearly gone, your retirement funds are next, and you’re too young to get Social Security. In 55, Underemployed, and Faking Normal” by Elizabeth White, you’ll see how to make this new life work.
What’s Cooking: Zucchini Bread from the Garden
What’s Cooking is a feature at LGBTSr highlighting easy, delicious recipes. Have a recipe to share? Email us at: recipes @ lgbtsr.com
Among my proudest achievements is our vegetable garden, built from scratch with raised beds, and fencing to keep out the deer and rabbits. We grow tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, peppers, herbs, and zucchini. So much zucchini! What do you do with it all? Well, one thing you can do is make zucchini bread and muffins. Here’s a recipe I’ve used from Allrecipes. It’s easy and delicious, and it looks like you worked a lot harder than you really did. -
The Savvy Senior: Simple Gadgets That Can Help Older Drivers
By Jim Miller
Dear Savvy Senior,
Are there any specific auto gadgets you can recommend that can help senior drivers? Both of my parents are in there eighties and still pretty good drivers, but due to arthritis and age they’re very stiff, which causes them some driving problems.
Researching Daughter
Dear Researching,
To help keep senior drivers safe and prolong their driving years, there’s a plethora of inexpensive, aftermarket vehicle adaptions you can purchase that can easily be added to your parent’s vehicles to help with many different needs. Here are some good options.