On the Beach in Antigua
An Alley in St. Maarten
Super Scary Glass Floor
Docked at San Juan
What Blizzard?
Almost to Puerto Rico
Book Review: The Liberators of Willow Run By Marianne K. Martin, Reviewed by Velvet Lounger
Crossposted from MadeMark Publishing
Guest Review By Velvet Lounger
https://www.facebook.com/LesReadingRoom/The Liberators of Willow Run
Marianne K. Martin
Bywater BooksSome books are just important. Important to read, to feel, to remember. Some books remind us where we came from and how much we have gained. Some books can lift us up in a time of darkness and remind us how strong we are to have gotten where we are. “The Liberators of Willow Run” By Marianne K. Martin is one of those books, and reading it right now reminds us of the giant strides all women have made to take control of their lives, that lesbians have made in fighting to be open and equal.
MadeMark Publishing to Release Print and Audiobook Editions of Jean Ryan’s ‘Strange Company’
2017 is off to an auspicious start for MadeMark Publishing with the upcoming print and audiobook editions of Jean Ryan’s essay collection Strange Company. Each of these 20 essays presents Ryan’s unique voice as she examines the natural world she sees from her window, or gently holds in the palm of her hand, or whose passing from the earth she reflects upon with wisdom and sorrow: their loss is our loss.
Throughout this collection we discover in vivid, loving detail how these animals and insects behave; how they mate, how they live and die, and how much they have to teach us. Learning, in Ryan’s adept language, is what Strange Company is all about. Descriptive to a fine detail, she takes us on short, perfect journeys into the lives of creatures, bugs and birds that leave you fascinated by nature’s artistry.
Book Review: Strange Company, by Jean Ryan
[clickToTweet tweet=”Book Review: Jean Ryan’s Strange Company.” quote=”In the oddest moments – spreading mulch, washing a plate, buttoning a child’s coat – we are suddenly, inexplicably, happy. – Jean Ryan”]
Strange Company
Jean Ryan
Kindle Edition $2.99“It hurts to be alive, too much and too often for pleasure to be the point; much of the time we manage without it. Now and again we are taken by surprise. In the oddest moments – spreading mulch, washing a plate, buttoning a child’s coat – we are suddenly, inexplicably, happy.” – Jean Ryan, Strange Company
“Do lizards fall in love? What do sloths think about all day? Why is the blood of a horseshoe crab so valuable? Do starlings flock for fun? Can a parrot serve as a therapist? Do turtles ever grow bored with their long lives? Why would a crow foster a kitten? Can snails be fearless?” – from the book description
MadeMark Publishing Steps Out
I’ve had MadeMark Media and MadeMark Publishing for several years now, but I just this week built the Publishing website. Why? Because 2017 is going to be a good year, a year when I branch out beyond publishing my own books into becoming a boutique publisher.New logo, new energy. Stay tuned … and check out the site when you have a minute. It has many of my author interviews, and a Meet the Narrators page that I’ll be growing as I do more audiobooks.
All things are of the substance of dreams.
The Twist Podcast #39: Good News, Good Vibes Edition
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose on this week’s Twist Podcast. Today’s menu: happy headlines, positivity now!, and hope (yes, hope) for all the world. Life is a disco stick, let’s ride.
Enjoy The Twist Podcast on iTunes, Libsyn, SoundCloud, Stitcher, and YouTube. Are you listening?
Web-Based Tello Films Offers Lesbian Focused Content
[clickToTweet tweet=”Web-Based Tello Films Offers Lesbian Focused Conent #lesbians #queermedia #lgbt” quote=”‘Why lesbian stories? Because we love lesbians and we don’t feel there are enough of them.’ – tello films”]
This caught my eye – a Huffington Post interview with the fabulous Debra Wilson (my favorite on the late, lamented MADtv). Media company tello films has a mission to provide lesbian focused content, by and about lesbian lives. -
‘Last Room at the Cliff’s Edge: A Detective Linda Mystery’ Now Available on Audiobook!
The wait is over! ‘Last Room at the Cliff’s Edge: A Detective Linda Mystery’ continues racking up the raves: 19 5-star reviews and counting!And for your listening pleasure … The audiobook is now available on Audible, Amazon and iTunes. Narrated by the superb Daniela Acitelli, the audiobook adds rich detail to this fan favorite. Daniela brings the perfect mixture of simplicity and terror, her smooth and reassuring voice giving no hint of the shocks in store at the Cliff’s Edge Motel.