Jean Ryan’s ‘Lost Sister’ Re-issued by MadeMark Publishing
I could not be prouder to announce the first book for 2017 from MadeMark Publishing is the re-issue of Jean Ryan’s Lost Sister. Jean’s writing has received a Lambda Literary finalist nod (for her short story collection Survival Skills). She’s also been nominated several times for a Pushcart Prize.
Praise for her collection Survival Skills—
Publishers Weekly: “Ryan controls devastating psychological material with tight prose, quick scene changes, and a scientist’s observant eye.”
Fabulous Rack Cards for the Rainbow Book Fair
Through the Golden Tunnel of Light, by Cathy McNease, Herbalist
By Cathy McNease, Herbalist
I have just taken a remarkable journey towards well being. What appeared impossible a short time ago, became a stepping stone to awakening. This journey began 5 years ago when I hurt my hip while gardening. The pain was so bad at the beginning, that I thought death would be a better choice. I wrote a will, put my home in a trust, and picked out my method of death for when the pain became unbearable. I spent every penny of my savings trying to “fix” my hip, short of surgery, with nothing helping the increasingly intense nerve pain from butt to foot. Enduring pain became my stance in life. Then, as hopelessness increased, the Tibetan Buddhist nun, Pema Chodron, and her beautiful words, got inside my head and changed me. Actually, she changed my relationship with pain. She taught me that facing pain is the way through it, and provided meditation tools to do just that. My journey towards choosing life had begun. Meanwhile, my hip continued to degenerate to the point of constant pain that could be measured 10 out of a scale of 10. Yet, death was no longer on my radar as a solution.
The Twist Podcast #41: Rise Matters, from the Mouths of Babes, and What State of the Union?
Join co-hosts Rick Rose and Mark McNease for news and opinion with a Twist. This week: a look at the headlines, reaction to ‘When We Rise,’ but for the mouths of babes, and Facebook fatigue.
Enjoy The Twist Podcast on iTunes, Libsyn, SoundCloud, Stitcher, and YouTube. Are you listening?
Publishers Weekly Deems ‘Last Room at the Cliff’s Edge’ a Winner!
Guest Essay: ‘Through the Golden Tunnel of Light’, by Cathy McNease, Herbalist
Later this year MadeMark Publishing will be issuing a second edition of herbalist Cathy McNease’s In Harmony with the Seasons: Herbs, Nutrition and Well-Being, a collection of writings on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that represents the culmination of a life spent as a teacher and practitioner of this medicine.
Reader raves: “Cathy’s journey into the seasonal wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine offers both patients and practitioners a peaceful and beautiful narrative for health. Many of her “pearls of wisdom” are attainable by the lay audience. Additionally, she reminds those of us who practice this medicine of the original poetry and beauty which first drew us into a love affair with Chinese Medicine.” – Raven Sara
“Cathy’s easy to read and easy to follow book is a wealth of traditional healing wisdom. This book is a great read as it mixes in universal wisdom with intensely personal stories that the author vulnerably shares. – Chris Lac
The Twist Podcast #40: Notes from a Cruise, Real News Epidemic, and Stopping the Shame Game
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose on this week’s Twist Podcast. Today’s menu: headlines catch-up, notes from a 12-night cruise, and stopping the shame game.
Enjoy The Twist Podcast on iTunes, Libsyn, SoundCloud and Stitcher. Are you listening?
Nikiya Palombi to Narrate Audiobook of Jean Ryan’s ‘Strange Company’
I’m very excited to announce that we’ve contracted with narrator Nikiya Palombi for the audiobook edition of Jean Ryan’s Strange Company, with a March 31 release date. Nikiya has the perfect voice to bring Ryan’s book to life, with just the right textures, emphases and an immediate understanding of the author’s nuances, as well as her humor and insight. -
Last Day at Sea
My Birth Father
Homeward Bound in the Atlantic
Valentine’s Day Dinner on the Ship
A Supernatural Being Named David in Barbados