lgbtSr Celebrates Six Years with Sparklers and a Dotcom!
It’s a looooong story, involving changing hosts six years ago, thousands of posts and media files, and, most recently, a beloved but corrupted website. The only solution was to migrate lgbtSr.org to lgbtSr.com, which I’d owned anyway but didn’t use because … it’s a long story.
We’re still here after six years, minus a recent few months spent at a remote mountain location. Times have changed dramatically since the last election, and we must do what we can, including keeping this site going. All posts from the past six years at lgbtSr.org are still online, but the website now redirects to this lovely, clean, fresh site. Enjoy it, and remember, happiness is a new subscriber!
Mark McNease/Editor
Jean Ryan’s ‘Strange Company’ Arrives on Audiobook!
At last, the audiobook for Jean Ryan’s Strange Company has arrived on Audible, Amazon and iTunes. Narrated by the pitch-perfect Nikiya Palombi, these essays take a loving, curious look at the natural world around us and our place in it. Brought to you by MadeMark Publishing. Whether you’re a an adult who enjoys the close relationship humans bear to the animals we share the planet with, or a child fascinated by a beetle or a sloth, these essays will take you with them on a journey into nature.
The Twist Podcast #43: Naked Truths, Disappearing Gays, and Taking the Facebook Cleanse
Join co-hosts Rick Rose and Mark McNease for news and opinion with a Twist. This week: a look at the headlines, advantages of being naked, taking the Facebook cleanse, and elderly gays erased in the age of Trump.
Enjoy The Twist Podcast on iTunes, Libsyn, SoundCloud, Stitcher, and YouTube. Are you listening?
Trump Administration Proposes Eliminating LGBT Elders from Key Federal Survey
[NEW YORK, NY] Services & Advocacy for LGBT Elders (SAGE) announced today that it is launching a nationwide effort to oppose the Trump Administration’s proposed erasure of LGBT elders from the National Survey of Older Americans Act Participants (NSOAAP). Specifically, SAGE opposes changes that would eliminate questions that allow the federal government to assess the extent to which LGBT older adults are receiving federally funded elder services. According to a March 13 notice in the Federal Register, those questions (which have been included in the Survey since 2014) are proposed for elimination in the 2017 Survey. This is the only change the Trump Administration proposes to the Survey.
Jean Ryan’s ‘Strange Company’ Now Available in Paperback and Audiobook from MadeMark Publishing
It’s hard to overstate how wonderful it is to be able to share Jean Ryan’s amazing essay collection Strange Company in both paperback and audiobook. Some people are writers, some are artists, and Jean is that rare author who is both. Her award-nominated fiction sears the heart and jolts the mind, and her essays are constructed with the excruciating detail of a master.
Of her Lambda Literary Award finalist short story collection Survival Skills, Publishers Weekly said: “Ryan controls devastating psychological material with tight prose, quick scene changes, and a scientist’s observant eye.”
And from the Los Angeles Review: “With her debut collection Survival Skills, Jean Ryan brings to the short story what Mary Oliver does to poetry.”
lgbtSr Returns Slimmer and Trimmer
Okay, I heard you. Whatever happened to lgbtSr! Well, here it is. But there are some obvious changes. I can’t keep up a website the way I did for six years and still be an author, a publisher, an editor, a husband, and have that pesky thing called a job. Last year I was hit with a bad case of shingles at the age of 58 and realized I had to take better care of myself.
Rod Hensel: Perilous Times for LGBT Seniors (And What We Can Do About It)
By Rod Hensel
The Gayging AdvocateIt has been hard to watch the news lately without dismay over the antics of our new president, who keeps himself the top story of the day — every day. So it is not surprising that almost every media outlet completely overlooked the Obama administration’s final gift to the community of LGBT seniors.
Lee Lynch’s Amazon Trail: Spring Is Coming Soon—Isn’t It?
Photo by Sue Hardesty By Lee Lynch
Okay, I give in, it’s depression. I might as well face it. And I know I’m not alone.
You can guess when it started: November 8, 2016. I tried to overcome it by resisting, ignoring, laughing at the fools on the hill. Like the amazing Elizabeth Warren, I persisted, but so did this depression.
Audiobook Sample for ‘Strange Company’
Any day now … The audiobook for Jean Ryan’s Strange Company is set to release by week’s end. Here’s a sample with the fabulous narrator, Nikiya Palombi.In Strange Company, a delightful collection of short essays, Jean Ryan brings us closer to the natural world. From lizards to lady bugs, from the inscrutable sloth to the resplendent quetzal, Ryan reveals some of our commonalities with earth’s creatures and hints at the lessons we might learn from them.
Copies of ‘Lost Sister’ Arrive (and They Look Great)
Filling Out an Application at Dunkin Donuts, New Hope
Flo the Bathroom Flamingo
The Twist Podcast #42: This Week’s Headlines, International Women’s Day, and Brother Can You Spare Some Healthcare?
Join co-hosts Rick Rose and Mark McNease for news and opinion with a Twist. This week: a look at the headlines, International Women’s Day, and Brother, can you spare some healthcare?
Enjoy The Twist Podcast on iTunes, Libsyn, SoundCloud, Stitcher, and YouTube. Are you listening?