Jessie loves the view
Jean Ryan’s ‘Strange Company’ Receives Excellent Review on Book Chatter
I knew Jean Ryan’s ‘Strange Company’ nature essay collection was special when I first read it. Published under my MadeMark Publishing imprint, each essay is a look at the human condition, through a loving, meticulous look at the natural world we live in.
‘Death by Pride’ 3-Day .99 Cent Sale
Death by Pride: A Kyle Callahan Mystery marked the conclusion of the Pride Trilogy. As one reader said, ” … this book creeped me out. It was supposed to. McNease has a way with creating suspense even while not actually hiding anything. The transparency of the tale does nothing to lessen the anxiety that builds as it unfolds.” – Ulysses Dietz
For the next three days, Death by Pride is available for just .99 cents at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Kobo. And you can still get Last Room at the Cliff’s Edge as an Instafreebie! Sign up, download, and take a ride on the mystery train.
Book Review: When the English Fall, by David Williams
By Terri Schlichenmeyer
The Bookworm Sez“When the English Fall” by David Williams
c.2017, Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill
$24.95 / $37.95 Canada 242 pagesYour parents taught you to share.
You have enough to give some away. Don’t be stingy or selfish. Be good. Be generous. Be friends. Share nicely but watch, as in the new book “When the English Fall” by David Williams, that it doesn’t bring harm to your family.
Sadie’s screams cut Jacob to his core.
Cover Reveal for ‘Murder at the Paisley Parrot’ (Coming October, 2017)
Save the date! ‘Murder at the Paisley Parrot (A Marshall James Novel)’ will be releasing this October. For inquiring minds: Marshall James is a variation of my birth name, James Marshall Greene, changed when I was adopted into the McNease family. Yes, I write under my own name (but stay tuned for an exciting twist on that in 2018!).
About ‘Murder at the Paisley Parrot’:
Time waits for no one, including Marshall James. Now 58 and living in New York City, Marshall has outlived the expiration date he was given with a cancer diagnosis three years ago. He beat the odds but he knows he may not beat the clock, so he’s decided to tell a story or three about some murders he was involved in back in the day.
The year was 1983. The bar was the Paisley Parrot, a gay, mob-run, Hollywood dive where people came to drink and few of them remembered the night before. Marshall loves his job as a bartender there. But one night, among the regulars, a killer arrives. Body by body, death by death, Marshall finds himself pulled into a web of murder, deceit and crime. He falls for the cop who’s investigating him, not knowing if their relationship will survive or even if he’ll come out of this alive. Find out in Murder at the Paisley Parrot, arriving with a bang this October.
Lee Lynch’s ‘Rainbow Gap’ Wins Ann Bannon Popular Choice Award at Golden Crown Literary Society Conference
It couldn’t happen to a nicer person, or a better author! Lee Lynch’s latest, Rainbow Gap (Bold Strokes Books) was just awarded the Ann Bannon Popular Choice Award at the Golden Crown Literary Society conference. You can read Lee’s monthly Amazon Trail as guest columns right here).
Lee Lynch is a trailblazer, multiple award winner, and the namesake of the Golden Crown Literary Society’s annual Lee Lynch Classic Award.
Murder at the Paisley Parrot (Coming October, 2017)
The new cover for my author’s Facebook page. It gives me something to shoot for (pun intended). Hollywood. Mob bar. Body count. “Death had options in 1983.”
‘Death by Pride’ and ‘Last Room at the Cliff’s Edge’ eBooks Now Available at Barnes & Noble and Kobo
After several years of Kindle exclusivity I’ve expanded distribution of my eBooks. Starting today, you can get Last Room at the Cliff’s Edge and Death by Pride, both page-turning fan favorites, at Barnes & Noble and Kobo. And while you’re there, you can also find Murder at Pride Lodge, Pride and Perilous, Kill Switch, and our Lambda Literary Award finalist for anthology, Outer Voices Inner Lives (LGBTQ writers over 50). See them all at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Kobo. And for your listening pleasure, you can find the audiobooks at Audible and iTunes. Listen to the fear.
The Twist Podcast July 4th Special: Immigration Nation, Texas Takes a Stab at Marriage, and America’s Funniest Trigger Warnings
Thanks to our July sponsors, the Shreveport Aquarium and author Marshall Thornton’s newest, ‘Aunt Belle’s Time Travel & Collectibles.’
Join co-hosts Rick Rose and Mark McNease for news and opinion with a Twist. This week: the week in headlines, immigration nation, Texas takes a stab at marriage, and America’s funniest trigger warnings.Enjoy The Twist Podcast on iTunes, Libsyn, SoundCloud, Stitcher, and YouTube. Are you listening?
Bird Photo from Back Porch
Our Second Back Porch
One Blog, One Love, One Great Destination
Focus, focus, focus. In my ongoing effort to streamline and organize my life – especially now that I’m enjoying it in the New Jersey countryside and have the opportunity to rearrange things – I’ll be housing my personal website, Mark McNease, The Twist Podcast and LGBTSr all in one place, each with a dedicated page.
If you’re an email subscriber to LGBTSr and would prefer not to receive these, please just unsubscribe. If you do enjoy occasional updates with new content, stick around, there’s plenty more to come!
Rod Hensel: LGBT History in T-Shirts – A Wearable Revolution
By Rod Hensel
The Gayging AdvocateThere comes a time in the aging process when you realize that you have become, in the eyes of those younger, a historical figure. For LGBT people that moment usually comes in preparation for annual Pride activities, when interest in the early days of what we called “Gay Liberation” intensifies. My historical figure moment came earlier this year with a call from Buffalo State University about tee shirts.