• Book Reviews,  Featured Book,  LGBTSR

    Book Review: Tomorrow Will Be Different, by Sarah McBride

    By Terri Schlichenmeyer
    The Bookworm Sez

    “Tomorrow Will Be Different” by Sarah McBride
    c.2018, Crown Archetype $26.00 / $35.00 Canada
    288 pages

    Things are never as bad as they seem.

    There’s always a brighter spot if you just look for it, always something to be thankful for, a way of making yourself feel better because things aren’t as they seem. As in the new book “Tomorrow Will Be Different” by Sarah McBride, there’s always a chance to make a change.

  • Columns,  Latest,  LGBTSR,  One Thing or Another Columns

    One Thing or Another: The Kids Are Not All Right

    It’s always One Thing or Another … a lighthearted look at aging, life, and the absurdities of it all.

    By Mark McNease

    Imagine the despair young people feel today. Imagine the frustration at being governed by the old who ignore their fears, anxieties, terrors, hopes, dreams and concerns …

    Not long ago I was among those crusty older people who bemoaned and occasionally belittled younger generations for effectively forgetting I’d existed. As a sixty-year-old man (I tend to round up), I was embittered to know so many people even a decade younger did not share my memories of the devastation of AIDS, of my government’s indifference to that plague, of Madonna’s performance in a wedding dress at the Grammys, or of the celebration in the streets of West Hollywood following Bill Clinton’s election. It was, I insisted, a matter of preserving history, without admitting it was as much my personal history I wanted preserved as that of my country or tribe.

  • Latest

    Four New Profiles for Angel On My Shoulder Cancer Foundation

    Hey, I’ve only got so many murder mysteries in me. I’m doing writing assignments again, working for and with my 30+ year bestie and collaborator Rick Rose. I’ve been doing work for their Jolly Good soda campaign (see Jolly Good’s Facebook page here, Instagram here, and stay tuned for more stuff I can’t reveal right now), and I just did four profiles for the Angel On My Shouldernewsletter, an amazing organization founded by Lolly Rose after the death of her husband, Rick’s father and namesake, Dick Rose.

  • Columns,  LGBTSR

    Stephanie Mott: The Kansas Republican Party

    Stephanie Mott

    Guest Column by Stephanie Mott

    And ultimately, an ideology that says you can determine my gender identity is broken and is causing a lot of pain, and that’s why it’s important to bring us back to what we know to be true and good.

    The Kansas Republican Party has lost its mind, and its heart, and its soul. Not that this is news in Kansas right now, rather more of a status quo, but if any doubt still remained, the recently approved resolution on “sexuality” removed any remnants of even the most basic humanity.

    In case you missed it, KRP approved, by voice vote, this resolution completely inaccurate and horribly destructive to transgender and gender non-conforming (TGNC) Kansans, and then turned around and absurdly proposed it was the product of love.

  • One Thing or Another Columns

    One Thing or Another: Name Your Poison

    It’s always One Thing or Another … a lighthearted look at aging, life, and the absurdities of it all. 

    By Mark McNease

    Anger is a quick and easy fix, a rush injected straight into the vein, but it’s poison, and I named it. I asked for it. I ordered a lifetime supply.

    Observing the current cultural and political climate, I’m reminded of a scene from the westerns once so popular with American moviegoers. A bartender in a grimy, dusty saloon, says to a weary customer, “Name your poison.” The customer asks for whisky—they all drank whisky in the movies, with names like Rot Gut and Dead Eye—and the bartender serves him from a bottle on the shelf. The customer throws back a mouthful from a greasy shot glass, grimaces as it burns its way down his throat, then smiles, slaps the glass on the counter and orders another one. That sure felt good.

  • Book Reviews,  LGBTSR

    Book Review: The Toronto Book of the Dead, by Adam Bunch

    By Terri Schlichenmeyer
    The Bookworm

    “The Toronto Book of the Dead” by Adam Bunch
    c.2017, Dundurn $16.99
    U.S. and Canada  423 pages

    Watch your step!

    Be careful where you tread; you don’t want to disturb anything important beneath the soil. Watch your feet; be mindful of where you put them. As you’ll see in “The Toronto Book of the Dead” by Adam Bunch, you’re not the first to walk on hallowed grounds.

  • New

    The Twist Podcast #55: Secret Society Footwear, Call Me By Your Oscar, and Singing the DACA Blues

    We’re back after a three month psych evaluation, rested and ready. Mark McNease and Rick Rose return with The Twist Podcast, bringing you news and opinion with a twist. In today’s episode, we talk about the shutdown that mostly wasn’t, Secret Society chatter on the right, and the upcoming Oscars. Are you listening?

    Enjoy The Twist on Libsyn, iTunes, SoundCloud, and right here at The Twist Podcast page.

    Copyright 2018 MadeMark Publishing

  • Latest,  LGBTSR,  Stephanie Mott

    Stephanie Mott: Pink Pussy Hats, Drag Shows, and Confederate Flags

    [et_pb_section admin_label=”section”][et_pb_row admin_label=”row”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_image admin_label=”Image” src=”http://www.markmcnease.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Wide-lgbtsr-600×164.jpg” show_in_lightbox=”off” url=”http://www.markmcnease.com/lgbtsr/” url_new_window=”on” use_overlay=”off” animation=”off” sticky=”off” align=”left” force_fullwidth=”off” always_center_on_mobile=”on” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid”] [/et_pb_image][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row admin_label=”Row”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid”]

    Stephanie Mott

    Guest Column
    Stephanie Mott

    I am offended by pink pussy hats. There, I said it. They can be seen as exclusionary of trans people and women of color. This is a fact. It is also a fact that they mean different things to different people. I am not going to tell someone else whether they should or they shouldn’t wear one. And quite frankly, I am saddened this is causing division, because we have so much to do.

    I am also offended by drag. I believe it perpetuates the myth that transgender women are just men in dresses, and it sexualizes women in a world where we need much less sexualization of women. But this doesn’t mean I think we should eliminate drag shows.

    Why? Because I also understand drag is an outlet for some people, a lot of money has been raised to support LGB & T causes through drag shows, and just because something offends me does not give me permission to ignore how other people see it or demand they stop.

    So you won’t find me complaining about drag or protesting drag shows. But if you watch closely, you will sense I am not at ease at drag shows and will likely leave if my uneasiness reaches a point where I feel like I need to.

    I am offended by confederate flags. To me, they represent fear and intimidation, slavery and hatred for people of color and people of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities.

    A couple years ago, I was driving from Tulsa, Oklahoma to Oklahoma City and a white pickup truck passed me with an image of the confederate flag on the tailgate. In the truck, were three white guys, shoulder to shoulder to shoulder, easily filling the space of the cab.

    When you drive a car with a “Transgender and Christian” bumper sticker on it, and a “Black Lives Matter” bumper sticker, and a “Nevertheless, She Persisted” bumper sticker” as well as a few more; you notice things like confederate flags on the tailgates of passing trucks.

    About 20 minutes later, the same truck passed me again. I will admit to being more-than-a-little concerned. However, the truck went on down the highway just like it had before, and I surmised they must have stopped for gas or something – nothing to do my me or my bumper stickers.

    Back to pink pussy hats. I will not wear one. I have my reasons. I will also not complain when someone chooses to wear one. I suppose they have their reasons, too.

    This is what concerns me about pink pussy hats.

    The Trump administration just created a new division in the Department of Health and Human Services dedicated to making it easier for health professionals to discriminate against reproductive healthcare, people who are LGBTQ+, and other groups of people based on some definition of a deeply-held “religious” belief.

    Kansas has yet to expand Medicaid and continues its assault on some of the most marginalized people in the state. This is just one of many Kansas policies doing the same thing.

    There is an identifiable pathway, relentlessly pursued, in which Roe vs Wade could be overturned.

    We have an election coming up this fall where we have the possibility of preventing the furtherance of these, and many more, dictatorial policies and actions.

    Every single seat in the Kansas House of Representatives is up for election. Every single seat in the US House of Representatives is up for election. And it is possible in this election, control of the US Senate could be taken away from the Trump administration.

    I’m not really interested in talking about pink pussy hats; if we should or should not wear them. I think people who love drag should continue to love drag. And I know there will always be people who have confederate flags on the tailgates of their pickup trucks. I support their right to do so. I don’t want to talk about any of those things.

    I want to talk about how to save our state, our country, and our world. If you want to talk about these things with me, I’m not that hard to find.

    Stephanie Mott is a transsexual woman from Topeka, Kansas and a nationally known speaker on transgender issues. In addition, Stephanie is the executive director of Kansas Statewide Transgender Education Project and a commissioner on the City of Topeka Human Relations Commission. She can be reached at stephanieequality@yahoo.com
