Garden Prep
Lunch in Lambertville
Happiness is a New Email Subscriber (to LGBTSr)
In case you didn’t know, I’ve been editing and publishing LGBTSr.org for seven years now, a site devoted to the over-50 LGBTQ reader and our friends and allies. It’s come back roaring …Let’s get this grow on the road. LGBTSr has come back bigger and better than ever, including a return to a weekly subscriber newsletter. Nothing makes my morning quite like seeing another new subscriber (or two, or three …). Knowing the site is growing in readership is my reward, and you can help.
Like what you find at LGBTSr? Consider it unlike other sites out there? Think it’s needed for our older LGBTQ community? Then kindly tell your friends about us and help us grow.
6 Questions for Professor Drewey Wayne Gunn
Professor Gunn We learned last week of the passing of Professor Drewey Wayne Gunn. Many of us knew Professor Gunn for his generosity and his encyclopedic knowledge of gay literature, especially forgotten gay literature by authors who paved the way for later generations. I had the pleasure of interviewing him and being amazed at his extensive answers and his deep knowledge of a subject he was devoted to. Here is a reprint of that interview. – Mark/Editor
I was recently introduced by a mutual friend to Drewey Wayne Gunn, Professor Emeritus , Texas A&M University–Kingsville. Professor Gunn has long been interested in recovering forgotten works of gay literature and has produced a treasure trove of guidebooks in his effort to acknowledge the many authors who, while largely ignored or forgotten, paved the way for the richness and variety we now enjoy in gay literature.
His books include the upcoming Gay American Novels, 1870 – 1970 (McFarland, 2016), as well as Gay Novels of Britain, Ireland, and the Commonwealth, 1881 – 1981 (McFarland, 2014), 1960s Gay Pulp Fiction, edited with Jaime Harker (Massachusetts, 2013), The Gay Male Sleuth in Print and Film (Scarecrow, 2013), and The Golden Age of Gay Literature, editor (MLR, 2009).
I had the pleasure of asking Professor Gunn ‘6 Questions’ about his books, his passion for forgotten works, and how he thinks we can best keep our literary heritage alive. – Mark McNease/Editor
Pancakes by Mark
Adventures in Gardening (#1 in a Series)
In the beginning: last year’s garden. Mark McNease/Editor
Before moving full time to our house in rural New Jersey, my husband Frank and I had very little success with our attempts at growing a vegetable garden. Gardens of any kind, especially vegetable gardens, require frequent watering and care. We were only here on weekends, driving out from New York City, and then not every weekend.
Quotes and Quotable: New York Times Editorial Board
“The president is not a king but a citizen, deserving of the presumption of innocence and other protections, yet also vulnerable to lawful scrutiny. We hope Mr. Trump recognizes this. If he doesn’t, how Republican lawmakers respond will shape the future not only of this presidency and of one of the country’s great political parties, but of the American experiment itself.”
Lee Lynch’s Amazon Trail: The Terlet
Photo by Sue Hardesty The Amazon Trail
By Lee LynchWhen I objected, starting around the age of four or five, to commercials on the radio, I had no idea what the future of marketing would hold for us all. Why, I asked, was “The Lone Ranger” interrupted to sell Silvercup Bread? Was it because of his silver bullets? Well, yes, it was considered a terrific marketing tie-in. I hated ads then and I hate them now when the once open internet has become a mammoth shopping mall for which we pay with our privacy.
Call For Submissions: Gay Men’s Health Summit Seeks Presentations, Panels, Workshops (November 8-10, Vancouver)
November 8-10
SFU: Vancouver Campus
515 West Hastings
Vancouver, BCHow’s your Head? Sexual Identity, Mental Health and Substance Use
Call for Submissions: Oral Presentations, Panels, Workshops, Videos, Roundtables, Readings
Loneliness, anxiety and depression are no strangers to those of us who have been denied equal status in society. Growing up in a heteronormative and ciscentric world, many gay, bi, trans, Two-Spirit, queer (GBT2Q), and other men who have sex with men have learned how everyday inequalities can impact our health. From microaggressions to institutionalized discrimination, these societal norms can have a lasting impact on our mental health. Combined with stigma towards, and within, our communities (including racism, HIV-stigma and transphobia), this can sometimes spiral into greater physical and sexual health concerns.
Bob Dylan Celebrates Gay Love with Cover of ‘[He’s] Funny That Way’
Screenshot of the New York Times “If you look at the history of pop music, love songs have predominantly come from one heterosexual perspective. If we view music as something that brings people together, shouldn’t these popular songs be open to everyone?” – Tom Murphy, a co-producer of “Universal Love.”
Shortly after the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage in 2015, Justice Antonin Scalia attended a party where he signaled his displeasure by singing Bob Dylan’s “The Times They Are a-Changin’.”
“He sang with great verve,” Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg told The Washington Post at the time.
Now Mr. Dylan himself is crooning about same-sex love. As part of a new EP called “Universal Love,” he rerecorded the 1929 song “She’s Funny That Way,” from the Great American Songbook catalog, but switched the pronoun to “He’s Funny That Way.”
Tired Old Queen at the Movies: Gentlemen’s Agreement
Gregory Peck heads an all star cast in Darryl F Zanuck’s Oscar winning Best Picture of 1947; Elia Kazan’s “Gentlemen’s Agreement”. Based on the bestselling novel by Laura Z Hobson, it deals with the problem of antisemitism just after the World War II. Also in the cast are Dorothy McGuire, John Garfield, Anne Revere, June Havoc and Celeste Holm in the role of the sympathetic reporter that won her an Oscar as Best Supporting Actress. Brilliantly written by Moss Hart, it’s subtly acted, directed and as relevant today as the day it premiered.
April Featured Author: Joe Cosentino
Author Joe Cosentino Crossposted from LGBTSr
Joe Cosentino is as prolific a writer as you’ll likely ever meet. His series include the Nicky and Noah Mysteries, the Jana Lane Mysteries, the Cozi Cove Series, holiday stories, romances, and a host of audiobooks.
Joe recently released second editions of the first three Nicky and Noah mystery novels. Audiobooks for them (narrated by Michael Gilboe, Chip Hurley, and Brad Enright) are still for sale on Audible, Amazon and iTunes. He also has audiobooks available for The Naked Prince and Other Tales from Fairyland (Dreamspinner Press, Joel Leslie); A Home for the Holidays, Bobby and Paolo’s Holiday Stories Book 1(Dreamspinner Press, Joel Leslie), Cozzi Cove: Bouncing Back, the first Cozzi Cove novel (NineStar Press, Chase Johnson), and Porcelain Doll, the second Jana Lane mystery (The Wild Rose Press, Derick Snow).
April Featured Author: Joe Cosentino
Author Joe Cosentino Joe Cosentino is as prolific a writer as you’ll likely ever meet. His series include the Nicky and Noah Mysteries, the Jana Lane Mysteries, the Cozzi Cove Series, holiday stories, romances, and a host of audiobooks.
Joe recently released second editions of the first three Nicky and Noah mystery novels. Audiobooks for them(narrated by Michael Gilboe, Chip Hurley, and Brad Enright) are still for sale on Audible, Amazon and iTunes. He also has audiobooks available for The Naked Prince and Other Tales from Fairyland (Dreamspinner Press, Joel Leslie); A Home for the Holidays, Bobby and Paolo’s Holiday Stories Book 1(Dreamspinner Press, Joel Leslie), Cozzi Cove: Bouncing Back, the first Cozzi Cove novel (NineStar Press, Chase Johnson), and Porcelain Doll, the second Jana Lane mystery (The Wild Rose Press, Derick Snow).