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    Author Paula Martinac’s ‘The Ada Decades’ Named a Finalist for Ferro-Grumley Literary Award

    Paula Martinac’s stunning novel The Ada Decades has been named a finalist for the Ferro-Grumley Literary Award:

    We’ve just announced the Ferro-Grumley finalists for 2018 (books published in 2017). In alphabetical order by author, they are:

    The Heart’s Invisible Furies, by John Boyne (Hogarth Press)

    Outside Is The Ocean, by Matthew Lansburgh (University of Iowa Press)

    The Disintegrations, by Alistair McCartney (University of Wisconsin Press)

    Her Body and Other Parties, by Carmen Maria Machado (Greywolf Press)

    The Ada Decades, by Paula Martinac (Bywater Books)

    Our warmest congratulations to the authors, as well as to the publishing teams that made these books possible.

    Continue reading my recent interview with author Paula Martinac. – Mark/Editor

  • Latest

    Complimentary Copy of ‘Last Room at the Cliff’s Edge’ for All Current and New LGBTSr Subscribers!

    Along with a fabulous, refreshed and reinvigorated LGBTsr, subscribers will be treated to a complimentary copy of ‘Last Room at the Cliff’s Edge‘, a seat-of-your-pants thriller featuring retired detective Linda Sikorsky and her wife, Kirsten McClellan.

    A download link will be sent out in next week’s subscriber email with new content, allowing subscribers to download the eBook directly from Book Funnel (no muss, no fuss), in ePub, MOBI or PDF format. AND it’s complimentary to all new subscribers with their confirmation and welcome emails from MailChimp. So spread the word! Last Room at the Cliff’s Edge … Where checking in is easy, and checking out is hell. And don’t miss the audiobook edition narrated by the spectacular Daniela Acitelli!

  • Latest

    Complimentary Copy of ‘Last Room at the Cliff’s Edge’ for All Current and New LGBTSr Subscribers!

    Along with a fabulous, refreshed and reinvigorated LGBTsr, subscribers will be treated to a complimentary copy of ‘Last Room at the Cliff’s Edge‘, a seat-of-your-pants thriller featuring retired detective Linda Sikorsky and her wife, Kirsten McClellan.

    A download link will be sent out in next week’s subscriber email with new content, allowing subscribers to download the eBook directly from Book Funnel (no muss, no fuss), in ePub, MOBI or PDF format. AND it’s complimentary to all new subscribers with their confirmation and welcome emails from MailChimp. So spread the word! Last Room at the Cliff’s Edge … Where checking in is easy, and checking out is hell. And don’t miss the audiobook edition narrated by the spectacular Daniela Acitelli!

  • Columns,  Dave Hughes,  Latest

    Dave Hughes: Senior Housing Needs to Increase Its Diversity Competency

    Dave Hughes of RetireFabulous.com

    Senior Housing Needs to Increase Its Diversity Competency
    Changing Workforce Demographics Signal a Change in Retiree Demographics

    By Dave Hughes

    During their working years, the Baby Boomer generation (those born between 1946 and 1964) experienced a dramatic environmental shift in workplace demographics and culture. Throughout the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s, employers have become more attuned to the need to provide workplaces that are more welcoming of career-oriented women and diverse people of all sorts. Corporate America and academia, in particular, implemented policies and training programs which foster inclusion for employees of various races, nationalities, religions, and physical abilities, as well as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) people who want to be able to live and work more openly.

  • Latest

    The Return of LGBTSr (If not Now, When?)

    Mark McNease, Editor

    Life is not linear. Love is eternal. Strength is essential.

    An excellent grief counselor once told me grief is not linear—it does not build, crescendo, then recede and leave us to move on with our lives. It comes and goes, sometimes for many years.

    I look at life that way. It’s not, and need not be lived, as a linear experience: young, older, old. Here, there, gone. Life can be made of cycles and phases, and letting go of something doesn’t mean we won’t do it, or hold it, or be it again.

  • Latest

    The Return of LGBTSr (If not Now, When?)

    Mark McNease, Editor

    Life is not linear. Love is eternal. Strength is essential.

    An excellent grief counselor once told me grief is not linear—it does not build, crescendo, then recede and leave us to move on with our lives. It comes and goes, sometimes for many years.

    I look at life that way. It’s not, and need not be lived, as a linear experience: young, older, old. Here, there, gone. Life can be made of cycles and phases, and letting go of something doesn’t mean we won’t do it, or hold it, or be it again.

  • Columns,  Savvy Senior

    The Savvy Senior: How to Get Cash For Your Life Insurance Policy

    By Jim Miller

    Dear Savvy Senior,

    I have a life insurance policy that I’ve been paying on for years that I really don’t need any longer. I’ve been thinking about letting it lapse, but I’ve heard that I can actually sell it for a nice payout. What can you tell me about this?

    Interested In Selling

    Dear Interested,

    Selling a life insurance policy, even a term life policy that you don’t want or need any longer – a transaction known as a “life settlement” – has become a popular option among retirees in recent years that could use some extra cash. Here’s how it works.

  • Columns,  Gay Travelers Magazine,  LGBTravel,  Travel

    Gay Travelers Magazine: Vinales Valley, Cuba – Touring the UNESCO World Heritage Site

    This article first appeared at Gay Travelers Magazine, reprinted with Permission

    By Steven Skelley and Thomas Routzong

    On our second trip to explore Cuba, we decided to venture outside Havana to the amazing Vinales Valley. We booked an 11 hour tour called “The Vinales Valley – A UNESCO World Heritage Site” and we discovered a Cuban treasure.

    The Vinales National Park is a Cuban National Monument. More than 90 percent of the property is in the hands of private owners. Thirty percent is owned by individual farmers and another 62 percent is owned by the National Association of Small Farmers. If you want to see the real Cuba, this is the place.

  • Columns,  Stephanie Mott

    Stephanie Mott: The Kansas Republican Party

    Stephanie Mott

    By Stephanie Mott

    And ultimately, an ideology that says you can determine my gender identity is broken and is causing a lot of pain, and that’s why it’s important to bring us back to what we know to be true and good.

    The Kansas Republican Party has lost its mind, and its heart, and its soul. Not that this is news in Kansas right now, rather more of a status quo, but if any doubt still remained, the recently approved resolution on “sexuality” removed any remnants of even the most basic humanity.

    In case you missed it, KRP approved, by voice vote, this resolution completely inaccurate and horribly destructive to transgender and gender non-conforming (TGNC) Kansans, and then turned around and absurdly proposed it was the product of love.

  • Columns,  ROD HENSEL

    Rod Hensel: It’s Time for New York State to Step Up for LGBT Seniors

    Rod Hensel

    By Rod Hensel
    The Gayging Advocate

    Our LGBT seniors who are still out and about and active need to be willing show they know how to post on Facebook and use a phone when election time draws near. We’re not even asking for money, just the right to live with dignity and pride.

    On the west coast, California gets it. Washington state gets it. It’s time for New York State to take a leadership role on the east coast and show they “get it” too.

    The “it” is legislation requiring professional caregivers — especially those in nursing homes and senior housing facilities — to take a course on the special needs of LGBT seniors so their charges can be out, open and comfortable in their senior years.

    You can call it “cultural competency” or “sensitivity training” or whatever you wish, but the fact is LGBT people of my generation are scared to just be themselves and are going back into the closet in their autumn years.