Lee Lynch’s Amazon Trail: Not a Creature Was Stirring, Not Even a Mouse
Photo by Sue Hardesty By Lee Lynch
The Amazon Trail“Not a Creature Was Stirring, Not Even a Mouse.”
That was true when we brought home our Christmas tree back in 2009 and a poor dead mouse fell onto our living room floor. We’ve made do with a little artificial tree ever since. But this year we’re going all Santa Claus and supporting the local 4H Club which is selling trees at the fairgrounds.
Christmas is such a multi-featured concept. As an atheist, I celebrate for the sake of lighting the darkness. As a feminist, I’m aware of the pre-Christian pagan winter rituals that make sense to me: Yule logs. The tree itself. Gifting one another. Celebrations to liven up the doldrums of winter.
Here in our community, the clubhouse is already decorated, thanks to volunteers who might be teens—not seniors—with their mirthful high energy. Some years a local choral group in red bow ties comes to serenade our holiday potluck. Not everyone is up to decorating, but if they have an extra fifteen dollars they’ll hire a handyperson to string outdoor lights. Every year there’s a light show as we walk our mile of roads, calling out good wishes, and swaddled, like our neighbors, in layers that protect us from the ocean winds.
Guest Column: Dave Hughes of Retire Fabulously – What is a Successful Retirement?
By Dave Hughes, RetireFabulously.com
Dave Hughes at the Tiki Bar What is your definition of a successful retirement?
Obviously, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Nor is there a right or wrong answer, although you could say that the best answer is a thought-out, well-defined answer that’s right for you, and the worst answer is no answer at all.
Trying to define a successful retirement is like trying to define good art. You may not be able to define it, but you know it when you see it.
There is value in attempting to define what a successful retirement means to you. The process of creating this definition will illuminate what you should include in your life and what you should deprioritize or eliminate.
The Twist Podcast #82: AIDS at 35, Silence Equals Facebook, CASA is for Caring, and the Week in Headlines
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we talk about AIDS at 35, the silence of the Facebooks, CASA cares, and the week in Twisted headlines.
Enjoy The Twist on Libsyn, iTunes, SoundCloud, Stitcher, Castbox and TheTwistPodcast.com. Subscribe to the podcast HERE. Comments, questions or suggestion to: TheTwistPodcast @ Outlook.com
Copyright 2018 MadeMark Publishing
The Twist Podcast #81: Hideous Christmas Playlists, Thanks for the Genocide, and the Week in Headlines
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we talk about the Christmas song onslaught, Thanksgiving as turkeys and Native Americans might see it, and the week in Twisted headlines.
Enjoy The Twist on Libsyn, iTunes, SoundCloud, Stitcher, Castbox and TheTwistPodcast.com. Subscribe to the podcast HERE. Comments, questions or suggestion to: TheTwistPodcast @ Outlook.com
Copyright 2018 MadeMark Publishing
One Thing or Another: The Big Six-Oh
It’s always One Thing or Another… a lighthearted look at life, aging, and the absurdities of it all.
By Mark McNease
“Maybe we’ll do a cruise around the world for my seventieth, although that might feel too much like a farewell tour.”
It’s been almost a month since I turned the corner into another decade. I remember thinking once how old forty seemed, back when I was filled with twenty-something angst. As happens, forty came and went. Then fifty arrived with a cruise and a presidential election while we were somewhere in the Atlantic ocean. Now I’m officially in my sixties, celebrated once again with a cruise, this time for two weeks. They seem to get longer as I get older. Maybe we’ll do a cruise around the world for my seventieth, although that might feel too much like a farewell tour.
The Twist Podcast #80: Hashtag Colonoscopy, Weirdest Town and City Names, and the Week in Headlines
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we talk about the importance of colonoscopies, endoscopies and preventive care, weirdest town, city and place names, and the week in headlines.
Enjoy The Twist on Libsyn, iTunes, SoundCloud, Stitcher, Castbox and TheTwistPodcast.com. Subscribe to the podcasts HERE. Comments, questions or suggestion to: TheTwistPodcast @ Outlook.com
Copyright 2018 MadeMark Publishing
Lee Lynch’s Amazon Trail: Going to the Doctor’s
Photo by Sue Hardesty The Amazon Trail: Going to the Doctor’s
By Lee Lynch“Visiting the doctor doesn’t have to be all gloom and doom,” said my sweetheart. “We can make it fun.”
Remember the all-powerful, usually white male doctors of childhood? From the waiting room you could hear kids scream. Vaccines were terrifying. You had to undress. Sometimes my mother would take me for a milkshake afterward, yet, to this day, my blood pressure is higher (and I always weigh more) in the examining room.
I was seeing a hand surgeon for a left thumb brace to balance the one I wear on the right. I have Eaton stage III thumb CMC arthritis bilaterally, etc., blah, blah, blah, blah. Which means arthritis with a capital “A.”
As with most things in our rural area, the surgeon is located a bit over an hour from our home, but, oh, the hills and valleys we pass! Someday, we agreed, we would explore them. It’s hard to pry us from our cozy nest on weekends, but until my sweetheart is hired for a so-far elusive new job, she’s free. A lightbulb went on for her: why not explore those hills and valleys on the way to the doctor’s?
The Twist Podcast #79: Blue Skies After the Midterms
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we talk about the midterm election results, a renewed hope for sanity in governance, and the week in headlines.
Enjoy The Twist on Libsyn, iTunes, SoundCloud, Stitcher, Castbox and TheTwistPodcast.com. Subscribe to the podcasts HERE. Comments, questions or suggestion to: TheTwistPodcast @ Outlook.com
Copyright 2018 MadeMark Publishing
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The Twist Podcast #78: Red Caboose Motel, Fort Collins Cool, and Trolling the White House Lawn
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we talk about Halloween, The Red Caboose Motel, Fort Collins cool, President Troll, and the week in headlines.
#redcaboosemotel #travel #twistpodcast #fortcollinsCO #lgbtnews
Enjoy The Twist on Libsyn, iTunes, SoundCloud, Stitcher, Castbox TheTwistPodcast.com.
Copyright 2018 MadeMark Publishing
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The Twist Podcast #77: Cat Whispering, Art Houses of the Gods, and Headlong to the Midterms
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we talk about cat behavior (and a behaviorist), fabulous art houses you must visit, Horseface Nation, and the final rush to the midterms.
Enjoy The Twist on Libsyn, iTunes, SoundCloud, Stitcher,YouTube, and TheTwistPodcast.com.
Copyright 2018 MadeMark Publishing
‘One Thing or Another’ Interview Podcast Launches with Guest Holly Palance
I’m excited to announce the launch of my new interview-only podcast, One Thing or Another (it gets its name from the column I’ve been writing for several years now). “Just me, a guest, a microphone, and you.” I’ll be doing these at least twice a month, possibly weekly as it gets up and rolling.
My first guest is Holly Palance, audiobook narrator, actor, writer, and the superb voice for the audiobook edition of my latest, Black Cat White Paws: A Maggie Dahl Mystery. Holly does an amazing job, and happens to be a marvelous person, too. Join me for a conversation about her life and her career change into the world of audiobook narration.
One Thing or Another: Cruise Control (All Aboard!)
It’s always One Thing or Another… a lighthearted look at aging, life, and the absurdities of it all.
By Mark McNease
“There’s something very depressurizing about boarding a cruise ship. The daily, mundane, pressures of life that bear on you the rest of the time are suddenly lifted, falling away like a jacket let slip from your shoulders.”
Spending time on a floating hotel was never high on my wish list. I no more imagined going on a cruise than I imagined climbing the pyramids at Machu Picchu or hiking the Appalachian Trail. I didn’t have anything against them, they were just things other people did, feature stories in travel magazines I read when I was still flying by choice and not necessity. Then I met the man I’ve spent the last twelve years with, and cruising entered my life. That can happen when we enter relationships: if you enjoy the unexpected, meet the person of your dreams.
My first cruise was just three nights over a Labor Day weekend, out to some cay and back. I didn’t just like it. I loved it. Cruising quickly became a favorite way to vacation for me. I also like spending nights in hotels for some of the same reasons: no chores, no clean up, no appointments, unless it’s a massage or a shave/facial combination. Cruising is that times twenty, with the added bonus of feeling young at fifty-nine on a ship of retirees.
Lee Lynch’s Amazon Trail: Witch Spittle
Photo by Sue Hardesty By Lee Lynch
Oh, yes, we had fun this year decorating for Halloween. For a couple of hours, I didn’t once think about the ghouls in D.C.
We don’t get trick or treaters here, but we have a lively neighborhood of adults from 55 to 95, ourselves included, who get a kick out of holiday trappings. Our plastic Frankenstein mat screeches bloody murder when we open or close the garage door. Half the time we scare—and laugh—ourselves silly.
It had been many full moons since we last dragged out our spooky paraphernalia. My sweetheart exhumed it from the treasure chest that is our garage and instructed me to decide what should go where. Me? Organize? The prospect was scarier than an army of menacing phantoms.
I somehow coped.