Featured Book: Shortest Way Home: One Mayor’s Challenge and a Model for America’s Future, by Pete Buttigieg
Shortest Way Home: One Mayor’s Challenge and a Model for America’s Future
Pete Buttigieg
347 pages (hardcover edition)
$16.77 harcover, $14.87 Kindle
Publisher: LiverightI first noticed “Mayor Pete” a few years ago because he was the mayor of South Bend, Indiana. I grew up two cities over, in Elkhart, and my father had a music store for many years in South Bend. I knew the town well, and seeing them elect an out gay mayor was something I took great pleasure in (and no small surprise).
Now Pete Buttigieg is running for the Democratic presidential nomination and he’s turning a lot of heads: the man is smart, extremely well-informed, erudite (does anyone say that anymore?), a policy wonk who doesn’t sound like one, and a man with exceptionally wide appeal on the issues: just ask nervous Republicans.
Book Review: Chronicles of a Radical Hag (with Recipes), by Lorna Landvik
By Terri Schlichenmeyer
The Bookworm Sez“Chronicles of a Radical Hag (with Recipes)” by Lorna Landvik
c.2019, University of Minnesota Press
$25.95 / higher in Canada 306 pagesThey say you can’t take it with you.
The money you’ve amassed, the property you own, jewelry, art, and fancy cars won’t mean a thing once you’re dead and gone. No, you can’t take it with you, but in the new novel “Chronicles of a Radical Hag (with Recipes)” by Lorna Landvik, what’s been left behind?
If you asked Haze Evans how old she felt, she’d probably never say the truth (81), but not because of vanity. No, despite creaky knees and her status as the oldest employee at the Granite Creek Gazette, she preferred to focus on staying active, curious, and productive by writing a feature column several days a week.
The Savvy Senior: Trikes for Grown-Ups
By Jim MillerSDear Savvy Senior,
What can you tell me about three-wheeled bicycles? I’m 65 years old and would like to start cycling again but I have some occasional balance problems and don’t trust myself on a two-wheeler. What can you recommend?
Ready to Ride
Dear Ready,
Three-wheeled bikes – also known as adult trikes – are a great cycling option for older adults, especially those who have concerns with their balance or stamina. Here’s what you should know, along with some tips to help you shop for one.
Q Audiobooks: The Aging Brain, by Thad A. Polk, Narrated by Thad A. Polk
Q Audiobooks is a regular feature at LGBTSr highlighting audiobooks of interest to the LGBTQ listener.By: Thad A. Polk, The Great Courses
Narrated by: Thad A. Polk
Series: The Great Courses: Better Living
Length: 6 hrs and 18 mins
Release date: 06-24-16
Publisher: The Great CoursesAbout ‘The Aging Brain’
We’re all getting older every day, and scientific research has shown that starting in our 20s, some brain functions begin a linear decline. But is old age all doom and gloom?
Not at all! While it’s true that some functions in the aging brain decline, neuroscientists have discovered that many other brain functions remain stable – or even improve – as we age. Furthermore, nurture plays as significant a role as nature, and there are a number of strategies you can implement to stave off declining brain function, including:
- Incorporating physical activity into your routine
- Eating a healthy diet
- Maintaining a vibrant social life
- Reducing your stress
The science behind the aging brain tells a fascinating – and often counterintuitive – story. Is “aging” a disease or merely a natural occurrence that produces disease-like symptoms? If humans are biologically programmed to survive and thrive, why do we age at all? Is it possible (or even desirable) to “cure” aging altogether?
Are you listening? -
Lee Lynch’s Amazon Trail: Femmes and Their Gadgets
Photo by Sue Hardesty By Lee Lynch
The Amazon TrailI have the patience to write a novel, but not to read directions. Especially when something comes along like the OBD2 which, she had to explain to me, is an automotive onboard diagnostic tool.
It’s a shame, the things they don’t teach us at Butch School. In the Femme Gadgets class, I learned the basics of eyelash brushes and powdering noses and hoop, stud, drop, climber, and jacket earrings. The femme who has been cutting my hair for about twenty years was today appropriately made up and earring-ed, her own hair mostly blue with a complementary green streak along the part. She obviously has great fun with her various girly tools.
But that’s not what she was all excited about. It was Vector, her Kickstarter miniature robot. Vector is not without its useful functions, but is mainly an adorable, irresistible gadget that has learned to say her name.
The Twist Podcast #93: Messing with Texas, We Heart #AOC, Let’s Play Yes or No, and the Week in Headlines
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we take a look at Texas’ hate-a-palooza, what to love about Alexadria Ocasio-Cortez, our new ‘Yes or No’ fun feature, the Twist List, and the week in headlines.
Enjoy The Twist on Libsyn, iTunes, SoundCloud, Stitcher, Castbox, Spotify, and TheTwistPodcast.com.
Copyright 2019 MadeMark Publishing
Review: Sue Katz on ‘Alleged Lesbian Activities’ at Jacques Cabaret (Boston)
Sue Katz The following is reprinted with permission from Sue Katz: Consenting Adult
By Sue Katz
The New Orleans-based ensemble Last Call brought Alleged Lesbian Activities to Boston thanks to our incomparable The Theatre Offensive. This production asks: What happened to all the lesbian bars? And examines what our lives were like back when the underground bars – sleazy, criminal, and too often raided – were the only venues where we could gather.
Alleged Lesbian Activities drew sell-out crowds for five performances at Jacques Cabaret, a dive bar in what used to be known as Boston’s Combat Zone when it was surrounded by other queer bars, topless joints, and the sex trade in the ‘50s and ‘60s. I remember it well because I ‘grew up’ as a baby dyke in Jacques from the late ‘60s. At age 22, I met one of the great loves of my life in that bar, after secretly slipping her a copy of Lavender Vision, one of the first gay liberation publications of the new movement, put out by my collective. I haven’t been back there since the 1970s. -
Q Audiobooks: Before I Had the Words (On Being a Transgender Young Adult), by Skylar Kergil, Narrated by Skylar Kergil
Q Audiobooks is a regular feature at LGBTSr highlighting audiobooks of interest to the LGBTQ listener.Before I Had the Words
By: Skylar Kergil
Narrated by: Skylar Kergil
Length: 7 hours, 7 minutes
Release date: 11-13-18
Publisher: Audible StudiosAbout ‘Before I Had the Words’
At the beginning of his physical transition from female to male, then-17-year-old Skylar Kergil posted his first video on YouTube. In the months and years that followed, he recorded weekly update videos about the physical and emotional changes he experienced. Skylar’s openness and positivity attracted thousands of viewers, who followed along as his voice deepened and his body changed shape. Through surgeries and recovery, highs and lows, from high school to college to the real world, Skylar welcomed others on his journey.
The Savvy Senior: How SSI Can Help Low-Income Seniors and the Disabled
By Jim Miller
Dear Savvy Senior,
What can you tell me about the Supplemental Security Income program and what are the eligibility requirements? My father is very low-income, so I’m wondering if this is something he may qualify for.
Searching Daughter
Dear Searching,
Supplemental Security Income (or SSI) is a program administered by the Social Security Administration that provides monthly cash benefits to people that are disabled or over 65 based on financial need. Currently, more than 8 million people are receiving SSI benefits. Here’s what you should know.
Grace Anne Stevens: Maybe, Just Maybe, Change is Happening
Grace Anne Stevens By Grace Anne Stevens
A few weeks ago, I had one of those head colds that just would not seem to go away. I was congested and had a sore throat that had some ebb and flow to it. I thought I was getting better and then… my face turned a shade of red that would have made Santa a bit envious.
After a few days, I made my way to the ER and was admitted with an infection called Cellulitis. Although I had never heard of this before, I quickly learned that this is a staph infection and required IV antibiotics.
One Thing or Another: Chew On That
By Mark McNease
It’s always One Thing or Another… a lighthearted look at aging, life, and the absurdities of it all.
“You can miss the color of someone’s eyes, or the shape of their nose, but a grin with no teeth dares you to ignore it.”
You know you’re getting older when half your teeth have abandoned you, leaving your mouth like homeowners who’ve found a better neighborhood. You want them to stay. You offer incentives (“No more sugar, I promise!”), but they leave anyway, wiggling their way from the root up until they either fall out or get pulled out by a dentist who’s been lecturing you for ten years to use an electric toothbrush.
The Twist Podcast #92: Sweet on Mayor Pete, Conversion Therapy Con, the Twist List, and the Week in Headlines
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we take a look at Mayor Pete Buttigieg, the con of conversion therapy, our new Twist List, and the week in headlines.
Enjoy The Twist on Libsyn, iTunes, SoundCloud, Stitcher, Castbox, Spotify, and TheTwistPodcast.com.
Copyright 2019 MadeMark Publishing
Q Audiobooks: Backwards to Oregon, by Jae, Narrated by Hayden Bishop
Q Audiobooks is a regular feature at LGBTSr highlighting audiobooks of interest to the LGBTQ listener.Hat tip: Lesbian Audiobooks.com
Backwards to Oregon
By: Jae
Narrated by: Hayden Bishop
Length: 15 hours, 30 minutes
Release date: 03-2017
Publisher: Ylva Publishing“Luke” Hamilton has always been sure she’d never marry. She accepted that she would spend her life alone when she chose to live her life disguised as a man.