The Savvy Senior: How to Find Health Insurance After a Job Loss
Dear Savvy Senior,Because of the coronavirus pandemic, I just got laid off from my job of 22 years and need to find health insurance until I can get another job or enroll in Medicare at age 65. What are my options?
Scared to Death
Dear Scared,
I’m very sorry about your job loss. It’s estimated that as many as 45 million Americans could lose their health insurance as businesses continue to lay off workers due to repercussions of the coronavirus pandemic. Here’s where you can find health insurance coverage while you’re looking for new employment or waiting for Medicare.
Cat Talk Radio with Molly DeVoss and Dewey: Separation Anxiety in Cats
Separation anxiety is rare in cats, but can happen, and can be the cause of behavioral issues. A recent study gave insight into some of the things that can help cats to feel secure while you’re away. In this episode, Molly and Dewey talk about the signs of separation anxiety in cats and some of the things you can do to help it.
Larry Kramer Dies at 84
I remember Larry Kramer from his days writing for the New York Native, when he was shouting the alarm over a mysterious disease killing gay men in New York. They wouldn’t listen to him, so he made them. He was among the few true lions in a world more in need of them now than ever.
From his obituary in The Guardian:
“Larry Kramer, who has died aged 84 of pneumonia, enraged many gay readers with his lurid 1978 novel Faggots, a cautionary bestseller warning against the perils of promiscuity, before addressing the Aids crisis in his 1985 play The Normal Heart, in which an activist-writer warns against the perils of promiscuity. Publishers Weekly said he “made red-faced fist-pumping into his art”.
He also put his mouth where his money was. As co-founder of two Aids advocacy groups, Gay Men’s Health Crisis and ACT UP (Aids Coalition to Unleash Power), he improved the lives of people suffering from HIV and Aids, and pilloried mercilessly and tirelessly those politicians and medical professionals who refused to take the epidemic seriously. Each of these figures he excoriated in lengthy screeds, or on the streets in a voice described by the LA Times as a “nasal bullhorn”.”
LGBTSr Editor and Mystery Author Interviewed on House of Mystery Radio Show
You can hear my interview on the House of Mystery Radio Show and podcast with Alan Warren and Julie Saville at the 16.17 mark. Listen as we talk about my newest book, Beautiful Corpse: A Marshall James Thriller, and about my life and writing. You can also download the episode directly HERE. – Mark McNease/Editor
Guest Rick Rose Talks Lockdown Playlists, Best TV Binge Bets, and My Return to The Twist Podcast
Fasten your headphones as Rick Rose and I take a look back at the month of May and a look forward to the future. We talk lockdown playlists, best recommendations for TV binging, politics, culture, and my return to co-hosting The Twist Podcast. Enjoy the YouTube edition of this, too … seeing is believing.
Enjoy the One Thing or Another Podcast on Libsyn, iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify iHeart Radio, SoundCloud and at OneThingOrAnotherPodast.com
Copyright MadeMarkPublishing
Web Watch: Sports Media LGBT+ Helps Build Community in Sport
Web Watch is a regular feature of LGBTSr showcasing websites of interest to the LGBTQ audience.
This week’s website to watch is Sports Media LGBT+, dedicate to connecting and building a community for LGBT+ people in sport.
Sports Media LGBT+ is a network group and consultancy that advocates for inclusion in both our own industry, and across sport in general.
The group welcomes lesbian, gay, bi and trans people working or seeking to work in sports media; and also allies who are supportive of members of the LGBT+ community, their rights, gender equality, and other initiatives related to inclusion in sport.
Cathy’s Wealth of Health: The Eyes Are a Window to Liver Health
By Cathy McNease, Herbalist
Traditional Chinese Medicine has given us a way to physically view how healthy or unhealthy is our liver via the eyes. So much information is provided to me as a practitioner by simply observing my patient’s eyes. The tongue is used in Chinese Medicine for diagnosis. The sides of the tongue tell you about liver health…pale=blood deficiency; red=heat; purple=stagnation. If your eyes are still in good condition, but you observe one of these colors on your tongue, start now to remedy the imbalance in your liver and protect your precious sense of vision. One of the beauties of tongue reading is that it empowers us to prevent diseases before they strike.
Here are some of the most important messages seen in the eyes, followed by some simple remedies:
Red eyes show heat, inflammation, or irritation.
Dry eyes show lack of body fluids, deficiency of blood or too much heat.
Itchy eyes show allergies, and the body’s difficulty in clearing allergens. Nettle leaf, Milk thistle seed and Burdock root, all available in capsules, may be of help.
Book Review: Half Broke: A Memoir, by Ginger Gaffney
By Terri Schlichenmeyer
The Bookworm“Half Broke: A Memoir” by Ginger Gaffney
c.2020, Norton $25.95 / $34.95 Canada 272 pagesThe last time you went riding, the weather was perfect.
Did you notice that? Or were you thinking about something, some niggling issue, a thorny problem that needed to be solved from the back of a saddle? They say that the outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man. In “Half Broke” by Ginger Gaffney, the same goes for the inside of a woman.
She knew she wasn’t going to get paid for the job.
Terri Schlichenmeyer Talks the Book Life
Listen in as I have a chat with book reviewer Terri Schlichenmeyer, aka The Bookworm, about her life, her journey, and her job as a syndicated book reviewer.
Terri has been reading since she was 3 years old and she never goes anywhere without a book. She lives on a hill in Wisconsin with two dogs and 15,000 books.Enjoy the One Thing or Another Podcast on Libsyn, iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify iHeart Radio, SoundCloud and at OneThingOrAnotherPodast.com
Steve Hayes / Tired Old Queen at the Movies: Lady of Burlesque
From Steve Hayes / Tired Old Queen at the Movies:
Barbara Stanwyck shakes, rattles and rocks as a stripper trying to solve a series of murders in William Wellman’s comic mystery “Lady Of Burlesque” (1943). Based on a novel by Gypsy Rose Lee, it boasts a cast of fabulous “hard boiled dames” including Iris Adrian, Marion Martin, Gloria Dixon and Stephanie Bachelor, as well as vaudeville comics Michael O’Shea and Pinky Lee. With a witty script and terrific backstage atmosphere, it’s a riotous, backstage comedy/ whodunnit that’ll have you guessing right up to the surprise climax. If you’ve gotta’ stay in, this is the one to settle in with!
Lee Lynch’s Amazon Trail: Is There a Doctor …
Photo by Sue Hardesty By Lee Lynch
It’s that time again. I need to find a healthcare provider.
I live in a rural community where there is a large turnover of medical professionals and a constant shortage of qualified staff. The health organization that provides these services seems to have difficulty attracting talent. It’s common knowledge in the communities it covers that it’s a tough employer to work with.
Which isn’t to say there are not entirely competent professionals devoted to their patients and performing at least as well as their big city peers. I’m the one who’s chosen to live where the question, “Is there a doctor in the house?” may well go unanswered.
The Savvy Senior: How the Coronavirus Relief Law Helps Retirement Savers and Retirees
By Jim Miller
Dear Savvy Senior,
What can you tell me about the retirement account changes that Congress recently passed in response to the coronavirus crisis?
Seeking Answers
Dear Seeking,
Tucked into the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, or CARES Act, that President Trump signed into law in late March were a series of changes that can help retirement savers in need of cash, as well as help preserve the retirement savings accounts of current retirees while the stock market is down. Here’s a rundown to how three provisions in the CARES Act might help you, or someone you know.
The Savvy Senior: Social Security Offers Lump Sum Payouts to Retirees
By Jim MillerDear Savvy Senior,
In light of the stock market crashing, I’ve heard that Social Security offers a lump-sum payment to new retirees who need some extra cash. I have not yet filed for my retirement benefits and would like to investigate this option. What can you tell me?
Seeking Cash
Dear Seeking,
There is indeed a little-known Social Security claiming strategy that’s been around for many years that can provide retirees a lump-sum benefit, but you need to be past your full retirement age to be eligible, and there are financial drawbacks you need to be aware of too.