Ronni Sanlo’s This Day in LGBTQ History (October 29 November 4)
Ronni Sanlo’s This Day in LGBTQ History makes the past ever-present with daily rundowns of historic events and people.Â
Ronni Sanlo
The Twist Podcast #175: Delusional Dems, Facebook’s Meta Meh, Our Twist Tops Must List, and the Week in Headlines
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we survey the wreckage of last night’s election, boo Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta mess, offer up our Twist Tops recommendations, and scan the week in headlines.
Have your own Twist Top recommendation to share? Email us at Tops @ TheTwistPodcast.com and we’ll include in on the show!
Enjoy The Twist on Libsyn, iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, Amazon Music, and TheTwistPodcast.com.
Copyright 2021 MadeMark Publishing
Join Mark’s email list for updates, podcasts, giveaways, and his monthly newsletter! Reach us at: TheTwist @ TheTwistPodcast.com
The Rocky Horror Skivvies Show Album Available for Streaming
We just saw The Skivvies at the Bucks County Playhouse last week for my birthday and LOVED THEM! The band is tight, the voices amazing, the energy infectious. And they’ve made their first album, recorded during the pandemic, available for streaming free. You can also purchase it, which I did to support them. We will absolutely see them again when we can.
The Skivvies are Lauren Molina and Nick Cearley, singer/actor/musicians performing stripped down arrangements of eclectic covers and eccentric originals. Not only is the music stripped down – cello, ukulele, glockenspiel, melodica – but the Skivvies literally strip down to their underwear to perform.
Savvy Senior: Tips and Tools for Family Caregivers
By Jim Miller
Dear Savvy Senior,
Can you recommend any resources that offer help to family caregivers? I’ve been taking care of my 86-year-old mother and could use some help.
Burned-Out Brenda
Dear Brenda,
Caring for an aging parent or other loved one over a period of time can be very challenging both physically and mentally. Fortunately, there are a number of tips and services you can turn to that can help lighten the load. Here are several to consider.
The Twist Podcast #175: Delusional Dems, Facebook’s Meta Meh, Our Twist Tops Must List, and the Week in Headlines
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we survey the wreckage of last night’s election, boo Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta mess, offer up our Twist Tops recommendations, and scan the week in headlines.
Have your own Twist Top recommendation to share? Email us at Tops @ TheTwistPodcast.com and we’ll include in on the show!
Enjoy The Twist on Libsyn, iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, Amazon Music, and TheTwistPodcast.com.
Copyright 2021 MadeMark Publishing
Join Mark’s email list for updates, podcasts, giveaways, and his monthly newsletter! Reach us at: TheTwist @ TheTwistPodcast.com
The Rocky Horror Skivvies Show Album Available for Streaming
We just saw The Skivvies at the Bucks County Playhouse last week for my birthday and LOVED THEM! The band is tight, the voices amazing, the energy infectious. And they’ve made their first album, recorded during the pandemic, available for streaming free. You can also purchase it, which I did to support them. We will absolutely see them again when we can.
The Skivvies are Lauren Molina and Nick Cearley, singer/actor/musicians performing stripped down arrangements of eclectic covers and eccentric originals. Not only is the music stripped down – cello, ukulele, glockenspiel, melodica – but the Skivvies literally strip down to their underwear to perform.
And the Winners of the LGBTSr Coffee Cups Are …
As promised, in celebration of my 63rd birthday this week five subscribers to LGBTSr have been selected at random to receive a fabulous LGBTSr coffee cup. Those winners are: Michael, Jeff, Elaine, “A”, and “M” (you don’t actually have to provide a name to subscribe). I’ve emailed them with the announcement and their cups will be on the way in time for the holidays.
How the cups look in the hands of real people!
Lee Lynch Sue Katz -
The Twist Podcast #174: Stop the Stealthers, Insurrection Follies, Kyrsten the Killjoy, and This Week’s Headlines
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we take a look at the scourge of stealthers, the ongoing January 6 revelations, Kyrsten Sinema’s kill-the-bill antics, and the week in headlines.
Enjoy The Twist on Libsyn, iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, Amazon Music, and TheTwistPodcast.com.
Copyright 2021 MadeMark Publishing
Join Mark’s email list for updates, podcasts, giveaways, and his monthly newsletter!
EVENTS: Alzheimer’s LA Making Memories Festival Nov. 14 (Los Angeles)
Where: LA State Historic Park
1245 N Spring St, Los Angeles, CA 90012
When: Sunday, November 14, 2021
Time: 12:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Price: $25 (general admission)Join us for the Making Memories Festival:
A Celebration of LA Food & Music
Help us honor and celebrate Alzheimer’s LA’s 40 years of service to the community with this multicultural festival! It would not be a celebration of our history and our community if we didn’t include incredible local food vendors and musical artists that truly represent the diversity of LA culture.
The Twist Podcast #174: Stop the Stealthers, Insurrection Follies, Kyrsten the Killjoy, and This Week’s Headlines
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we take a look at the scourge of stealthers, the ongoing January 6 revelations, Kyrsten Sinema’s kill-the-bill antics, and the week in headlines.
Enjoy The Twist on Libsyn, iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, Amazon Music, and TheTwistPodcast.com.
Copyright 2021 MadeMark Publishing
Featured Book: Multicultural Guide to Caregiving, by Angelica Herrera Venson, DrPH
I’ve been a fan of the work being done at Kapok Aging and Caregiver Resources. Founded by Angelica Herrera Venson, DrPH, their website offers a treasure trove of information, guidance, and resources for the aging population and those who care for them. I’ve been privileged to share some of Angelica’s articles here at LGBTSr, and you can hear my interview with her on the One Thing or Another Podcast HERE.
And now I’m happy to feature her new book, Multicultural Guide to Caregiving: Essential resources to help you balance traditions without losing your mind or money.
About Multicultural Guide to Caregiving
Author and gerontologist, Angelica P. Herrera Venson, DrPH, opens up and shares her family’s personal stories and lessons from her field work and research on aging and caregiving with communities of color and first generation Americans.
An App for That (and a Website, Too): Mister B & B Helps Locate Accommodations for the LGBTQ Traveler
An App for That is a regular feature at LGBTSr highlighting useful apps and technology tips for our readers. Have an app to recommend? Email me at: Editor @ LGBTSr.com
My husband Frank and I love to travel (we just did another two-night stay at Philadelphia’s Morris House Hotel, and had the best meal of the year at Talula’s Garden). I enjoy short getaways we can drive to, but we also like cruising and the occasional vacation that requires a dreaded trip to the airport.
I’m a hotel guy myself. I love waking up in a hotel, working on a laptop while I have coffee in the room or a public space. And while we’ve never stayed at an Air B&B, I know a lot of people use that kind of service. The market for renting out rooms and homes has exploded over the last decade, giving travelers more options that they could have imagined just a few years ago. Enter Mister B & B, a service that connects the LGBTQ traveler with friendly accommodations in the destinations of their choice.
Kapok Aging and Caregiver Resources: The Impacts of Discrimination on LGBTQ Seniors
This article is excerpted with permission from Kapok Aging and Caregiver Resources. You can listen to my conversation with Angelica here. – Mark/Editor
By Angelica Herrera Venson,DrPH, MPH
Angelica Herrera Venson There are currently more than 9 million people in the United States that place themselves in the category of LGTBQ. That’s no small number.
Of these, 2.7 million are around the age of 50, and another 1.1 million are 65 years of age or older. It is expected that this number will double over the next three decades.
Many LGTBQ individuals have faced discrimination, in one form or another, throughout their lives. Older LGTBQ seniors come from a generation that isn’t known for inclusivity. Some may have hidden parts of their identity or preferences in an attempt to fit in with the world around them.
Older LGTBQ individuals continue to be underrepresented in the media and even Pride parades. They’ve faced many challenges throughout their lives, some of which may influence their physical and mental health.