
Chapter 3 of ‘I, Warlock’ Now Available on Kindle Vella

I’m releasing two chapters a week, every Wednesday and Saturday. You can now read Chapter 3 of my Kindle Vella serial, ‘I, Warlock.’ Be sure to follow the story and give it a ‘thumbs up’ when you’ve read the chapters. Every little like counts!

For a taste, here’s how Julius Tide reacts the first time he meets Charlotte Blythe, whose destiny will quickly become his own:

“With barely a few feet separating us, I was face to face with the most stunning woman I had ever seen. Everything else we said that afternoon, up to and including, “Thank you,” for her purchase, as I gave her change with a trembling hand, is lost to me. It’s as if I said nothing more at all, consumed by the effort it took not to stare at her.

Charlotte Blythe was twenty-three years old at the time. Had she lived to be a hundred, she would have remained as beautiful. Her hair was a buttery blonde, tumbling in waves over her shoulders. Her skin was so perfect it seemed manufactured from another world, a world where there were no flaws or imperfections. Her eyes were the green of precious emeralds. And her smile, which she offered often and without prompting, was the source of all joy.”