
An App for That: Mastodon Welcomes Twitter Refugees

In the wake of Elon Musk’s takeover and ruination of Twitter, and his decision to allow the free flow of misinformation and hate speech, millions of users are looking for alternatives. The one I’ve settled on is called Mastodon. Not only does it have a cute cartoon Mastodon logo, it’s a good opportunity to start over. Gone are the thousands of random Twitter follows and followers. I’m finding like-minded people, politically and creatively, to add to a much smaller and engaged list.

It’s not for everyone, and there are other options out there, but I’m liking it. It’s not a single, for-profit company. It’s open-sourced, and once you create an account you will need to choose from a dizzying array of servers, all of which are connected to Mastodon. I’m on the “” server. Don’t be overly confused by that, all the users are connected, so you don’t need to be on someone else’s server to follow or be followed by them. And a great selling point is that most of the servers, hosted by individuals, have strong-to-strict content guidelines to prevent the sort of pollution swallowing Twitter.

It’s a learning curve, but it’s a nice sense of renewal, and a great escape from the Twitterverse that is sure to only get darker, uglier, and more toxic.