DIY Day: Vinegar and Dawn for Stubborn Bathtub Cleaning

Welcome to DIY Day at LGBTSr, a weekly feature about doing things ourselves – in the home, outside, wherever a project needs completing.

We have a well at our house in the New Jersey woods, and that means water with a lot of minerals in it. This can make keeping a clean bathtub a challenge: iron and other minerals quickly stain the porcelain. While I’ve learned to live with the realities of a house in the country, there are plenty of ways to make cleaning easier, whether it’s in a rural home or a city apartment.

Today I’m sharing a video from Jubara’s Cleaning Motivation YouTube channel on using vinegar and Dawn dish washing liquid to get stubborn stains out of a bathtub. It’s also good for the shower walls and the chrome.

From Jubara

Hot vinegar and Dawn dish soap – a miracle diy bathroom cleaner? How to get the yellow out of a bathtub.

For some more cleaning motivation check out my other playlist.