Nudging the men in your life to better health
For whatever reasons, men can be reluctant to take of themselves, especially when it comes to regular doctor visits, preventive care, and making those dreaded lifestyle changes. I’ve found it helps to have a partner whose health I’m concerned about – a sort of “we’re in this together” element – but anyone with men they care about can help push them along. Our health, after all, has a ripple effect on those around us and we can ease their minds at the same time we ease our own.
From the CDA Press:
Men’s health issues don’t affect only men. They can significantly impact everyone around them. Women live longer than men, and consequently they see their fathers, brothers, sons, and husbands suffer or die prematurely.
From the moment a male is born, statistics show that, on average, he will live a shorter life span than his female counterpart by about five years. Why? Males have higher rates in 12 of the 15 leading causes of death, many of which are preventable.
Men need physical exams every year after the age of 40, (not for prostate exams and Viagra) but to prevent heart attacks, stroke, stress related illness and cancer. These diseases can be prevented if caught early enough.
If the men in your life are reluctant to get their annual physical exams or avoid getting medical attention, the following approaches may help:
• Appeal to his competitive side and his need to be at the top of the hierarchy. Whether it being the head of the household or the CEO of a company, good health means he can continue to be top dog and will be around for a long time.
• Find out whether he is more comfortable seeing a male or female health care provider and make sure he’s seeing the one he prefers. Be sure they are the type of physician that inspires rather than scolds or he will never want to go back.
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