
Mark's Cafe Moi: Live blogging the Caribbean!

Our last cruise ship, for my 50th birthday Frank and I are leaving tomorrow afternoon for a whirlwind 9-night Caribbean cruise, with stops in Puerto Rico, St. Thomas, Grand Turk and Bermuda. (Fortunately it’s not a Rosie cruise so we won’t be prevented from landing by the infamously homophobic Bermudans, nor will I tour the island in my rainbow cutoffs). The last time we sailed there was no wifi on the ship, but the cruise lines are catching up. Depending on its reliability I’ll be blogging as we sail along. Keep an eye out for regular posts on the cruise. I’m doing my location-travel blogging here these days, in tandem with my most fabulous buddy Rick Rose, a contributing writer. I’m an aging gay cruise and travel guy now so this feels more like home for travel posting. Snarky political commentary, celebrity shit-chat and restaurant takedowns as well as fawn-overs will stay on See you on the high seas!]]>