Minnesota seniors favor marriage amendment by large margin
Considering this site is devoted to LGBT people over 50, it’s always a little uncomfortable writing about the “other” older population – the ones who consistently vote Republican, oppose gay equality and don’t seem to think they know any gay people, or at least none they don’t think twice about hurting.
Seniors in Minnesota support a constitutional amendment restricting marriage to a man and woman by a 57/34 margin. The rest of the state is evenly divided.
From On Top Magazine:
A new poll released Wednesday finds Minnesotans nearly evenly divided on a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.
The Public Policy Polling survey found 46 percent of respondents in favor of the amendment, 47 percent opposed, and 7 percent undecided.
“Voters in the state are about as evenly divided as they could be on gay marriage,” Tom Jensen said in a post announcing the poll’s results. “As usual the generational divide on the issue is staggering – seniors support a ban by a 57/34 margin while every other age group opposes it.”
A large majority of respondents (72%) said the relationships of gay and lesbian couples should be given legal recognition (38% marriage, 34% civil unions).
It is the second poll to gauge Minnesota voter’s opinions since lawmakers approved the amendment last week, sending it to voters for their approval in 2012.
“There aren’t a lot of policy issues I would say this about but public opinion on gay marriage is shifting so quickly that it wouldn’t surprise me if opposition to this amendment grows by 5 or 6 points in the 17 months between now and next November’s election.”]]>