
San Francisco could have first gay mayor with Bevan Dufty

San Francisco mayoral candidate Bevan Dufty is heading to San Diego for a fundraiser. Dufty believes Harvey Milk would have been San Francisco’s first gay mayor had he not been assassinated along with Mayor George Moscone. Among Dufty’s priorities will be making sure that older LGBT people and seniors are not forced back into the closet if they require housing and care. From San Diego Gay & Lesbian News: SAN DIEGO — Folks in the Castro in San Francisco are buzzing with the possibility of electing their first gay mayor. Former San Francisco Supervisor Bevan Dufty is considered a top candidate and many voters in the city believe November will be an historic election. Dufty served two terms as supervisor in District 8, the same seat held by LGBT hero Harvey Milk, long considered the “Mayor of Castro Street.” Milk and Mayor George Moscone were assassinated in November 1978. “Had it not been for Dan White’s assassination of our great leader,” Dufty recently told supporters, “Harvey Milk would have been our first gay mayor.” Dufty recently received the key endorsement of Stuart Milk, out gay nephew of Harvey Milk. Many supporters believe Dufty’s election as mayor would carry on the dream started by Milk. [SNIP] The father a 4-year-old, Dufty said he believes his election would send a strong message as the fight for LGBT equality is a defining issue for today’s civil rights struggles. “As San Francisco’s mayor, I will stand up to anti-gay bullies whether they are in the halls of Congress or the halls of high school. We need strong LGBT elected officials on the front lines from local, state and federal office. I am ready to lead,” Dufty said. “Being the leader of a great city extends beyond San Francisco as I help set an agenda for urban America,” he said. “Vibrant, inclusive cities, more responsive to our needs, whether it is reducing new HIV infections, helping homeless LGBT youth or ensuring LGBT seniors don’t have to go back into the closet if they require housing and care.”